
Adding text into a string while using SDL

Started by December 16, 2004 04:29 PM
2 comments, last by Drew_Benton 19 years, 9 months ago
Hey, I found a small delema in my venture to make an online game. Using Winsock for online play you have to manually enter in an IP address to connect. The problem I just ran into, all text runs straight to a text file called stout, how the heck could I not remember that? Anyways, is it possiable to create a text box that I could use to enter in the IP address? I sure as heck hope so. BTW, I havent even created a screen yet, I just created the network code.
Mark St. Jean -
With SDL, it's very easy to get user input. Just check out the documentation.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
not sure what you mean, but you can simply use the + operator on strings to add them togeather.

so it'd be something like this

//poll the keyboard for key presses

strIP += strThekeyJustPressed

///write it out.
Quote: Original post by Thrust
Hey, I found a small delema in my venture to make an online game. Using Winsock for online play you have to manually enter in an IP address to connect. The problem I just ran into, all text runs straight to a text file called stout, how the heck could I not remember that? Anyways, is it possiable to create a text box that I could use to enter in the IP address? I sure as heck hope so. BTW, I havent even created a screen yet, I just created the network code.

Not very easily its not. You would have to make your own custom library or use some screen widget to make a text box in SDL to enter text into. Loading the data via a file would be a lot easier in SDL. I hope this helps.

[edit] Accompishing what your asking in your second post is easy, just not making the text box, as you said in your first post.[/edit]

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