
Terrain Load problems with TOKAMAK

Started by December 26, 2004 02:16 PM
0 comments, last by Gorax 19 years, 8 months ago
I would like to know if the Tokamak has exactly a restricted number of vertices when uses the SetTerrainMesh function, therefore I am trying to simulate a land with 30 000 vertices and am having serious problems with illegal operation, case it I have a limit how many vertices? if I use the TerrainQueryCallback exist some limit for this? thanks
Programming is my life!
If it's anything like ODE, it's got something to do with it's stepping functions (updating positions, directions, etc.). I had a few problems with ODE when I had about 10 objects all hitting eachother, until I found out I was calling the wrong function, because it was a little *too* accurate, and subsequently killed my app every time. However, using the other one, I've had 100+ objects all falling into eachother (even a few getting stuck together because of joints :D), and it still didn't die like before. If Tokamak has multiple stepping functions, I suggest you try each one. If not, I'm sorry I couldn't help you.

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