
[LUA] How to modify a class properties in LUA?

Started by January 23, 2005 11:48 AM
1 comment, last by rogerdv 19 years, 7 months ago
HI, I have a question about lua again. Can I modify a C++ class's properties in lua script? for example: /////////////C code//////////////// class A { A(){}; ~A(){}; public: int a; int b; } void main() { A a = A(); lua_state L = lua_open(); luadofile(L, "modifyA.lua"); lua_close(L); } ////////////Lua Code//////////// function modify() --do modify to A end //////////////////////////////// Thank you
You can modify A through an accessor that you register with Lua.
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There are several examples illustrating this, but it works for small classes. For large projects it is recommended that you use some glue code generator, like tolua++ or luabind. They take a header file and generate required code to pass your class and modify it in lua scripts.

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