

Started by January 24, 2005 05:39 PM
2 comments, last by tentoid 19 years, 7 months ago
Very general question: how do i script levels? how are quests (like in RPG games) scripted? what are the most commonly used techniques? links-? articles-? advice-? thanx ( sorry if i don't make much sense)
Well, it depends if you are modding or writing your own scripting language. If it is the former, you must use the scripting language provided in the SDK of the game you are modding. If it is the latter -- the answers all depend on how you write it!

You could use generic scripting languages, such as Lua or Python, in which case your questions have a better context to be answered.

In short: your questions are far too broad. Perhaps you should take a look at the reasons for scripting -- by understanding why scripting is effective and why it is used, you may end up answering your own questions.

Try learning how it is done in a real project. A perfect example is NWN. Scripting in NWN is very scripter-friendly (one of the primary goal of this game) and is much easier to understand than in most other games. Good source of information is NWN Lexicon and especially in your case here NWN Lexicon Tutorials
Quote: Original post by pnroach
Very general question: how do i script levels? how are quests (like in RPG games) scripted? what are the most commonly used techniques?

links-? articles-? advice-?

thanx ( sorry if i don't make much sense)

Well, usually you add trigger's (when player walks to a certain spot) and then call a script, which, for example, spawns some monsters. Quest scripts usually check whether certain conditions are met and thus the quest completed. This could be checked for example when the player talks to an NPC.

But perhaps you want to clarify what you want to know. Check out gamedev's articles section and this forum. I am sure there is something that you'll find useful.
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