
linking allegro with dev-c++

Started by January 25, 2005 11:50 PM
2 comments, last by ontheheap 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi I have just recently went back to Dev-C++ and I need help figuring out how to link allegro with Dev-C++ I can't find anything on google [sad].
-----------------------------------Panic and anxiety Disorder HQ
Statically or dynamically?

If static:

Linker options: -lalleg_s -lgdi32 -ldxguid -lole32 -ldinput -lddraw -lwinmm -ldsound


This is from Project->Project Options.
thanks ontheheap, I would rate you up but I already have.
-----------------------------------Panic and anxiety Disorder HQ
Let me know if there are any problems (I had to download a couple of additional packages before it worked right.) If you get any errors about DirectWhatever, try downloading the new directx package. From what I remember, getting Dev-C++ to statically link allegro was quite a pain. Those are the settings I use, however, and they work. Good luck!

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