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Thoughts on "RTS Game Programming using DX6"

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14 comments, last by Stark 24 years, 7 months ago
I completely agree with Geoff - I think you should put a wrapper on most DX stuff - just makes it more portable, and easier to change.

I've never read the book, so I can't comment about the content, but by the sound of it, some of you didn't like it too much.

Here's a question - what would you like discussed in a book on game programming? At what level - beginners, intermediate or expert?

If the book was for beginners, then you couldn't get anything usable in a small amount of space (and be able to fully explain something).

Experts would have an existing knowledge of things that make it easier on the writer to use technical methods that won't make you shake your head and ask WTF.

Intermediate is great, but you start to leave out the beginners, and assume the reader has some knowledge to follow along.

So I ask again, what would you like to see in a book? How would you like to see it organized?

Jim Adams

In the case of Mickey's book here's what I would have liked to see:

- The pieces brought together to make a small sample game that showed animated sprites.
- Info on adding multiplayer support (not just basic DirectPlay setup, that's fairly easy, but how to organize data to be sent between players) would have been nice.
- Some info on adding configurable AI support and campaign creation via scripts

As far as the level - intermediate to advanced.

I'm not asking for much am I?

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

What would I like to see in a book?

I like that question. Well, I would really like to see more on bitmaps. This seems to be the one aspect that keeps beginners from leaping to intermediate status. Too often I get to a part of a book where they say "see the code on the cd" and don't explain what I consider a key part for myself.

I have a TNT2 which supports 16 & 32 bit colors, but haven't been able to view some of the examples from Lamothes new book such as converting 24 bit to 32 bit or 24 to 16. The screen comes up for a split second and crashes! Also, all of the utilities are corrupt and I've yet to hear back from them about a replacement cd.

Back to the topic though, I for one would like to have my hand held through a complete game that isn't another asteroids game. I'm not looking for a Q3 game to make, but how about something else? It seems like every book does an asteroids/space game. I would like to go step by step and get the reason why certain things need to be done. Instead of implementing the aspects of say DX in one project, you see how to use different interfaces in a seperate project, but too often they never mesh so you don't see how to use them together in one project.

Personally I found Lamothes latest to be the best book yet. It contains WGPFD with updated material and a lot of useful new stuff. He has helped me more with this one book than all the other books combined so far when it comes to games. The very first game programming book I bought a couple of years ago almost screwed me up for life. It was the "Win32/DX3 Game Development" book. There was so much stuff left out, not to mention that the final products he develops turn out like crap! Well, thats my beginning game programmer opinion. I just got my MCP in MFC development but game programming is a whole different world! I love it.

Still Learning...

Still Learning...
What would I like in a book?

Maybe something more intermediate rather than beginner. Every book I have read (quite a lot) teaches you about basics of directdraw and things like line drawing. This is one of the reasons I can finish Lamothe's new book in a few days.(Not to say it's not a great book for beginners, but I needed more depth). Maybe, every author has some tricks he doesn't want to share. But then, games programming has become a sort of a personal research issue.

Actually the Mackey seems to be the first author to write something for intermediate users. The only sad thing is he doesn't does it well.

So, has anybody else here read "Real Time Strategy Game Programming Using DirectX 6"?
If so, what did you think? I'm currently reading through it, just finished chapter 13, and I must say, I really don't like and/or agree with some of the things Mickey does.

For example, why does he encapsulate the WndProc, er, excuse me, the MessageHandler, in his DirectDraw manager class? Won't this complicate things later on down the road when you want to add other components of DirectX to your app?

Another question I can't figure out, is why he writes his own Blt. I've heard this can be faster, but haven't been able to test it though, anybody else? Also, is it really neccessary to lock/unlock the surfaces? I've never had a problem with offscreen surfaces when I don't lock them. On the other hand, vidmem surfaces almost always bomb, hehehe. Of course. Is there ever a case where windows will actually move a surface in sysram?

Anyways, that's enough rambling for now... Please feel free to contribute, or discount any of the above. I'm really interested in other people's thoughts.

I think one of the main reasons Kawick's book failed is that it does
not go anywhere. It jumps around alot, chapters end with no conclusions, etc..

I like books that have at least 1 demo for each chapter or new topic. And then
it should ultimately lead up to a finale, e.g. a final demo that brings everything
together. Good subjects are directdraw, directsound, directinput, game loop, game
logic, game engine, game timing, data structures, memory management, tiles, graphics,
16-bit color, transparency, translucency, alpha/fx effects, line drawing, scrolling,
clipping, fonts, animation, pathing, gui, ai, line of sight, compression, packed data
files, graphic files, sound files, loading, saving, code optimizations, assembly,
multi-player logic, networking, map/level editors, etc..

That's a lot of stuff to cover, and it's not even 3D specific! You simply can't slap
it together, serve it in bits and pieces to the readers, and expect them to put
everything together themselves.

But, I think you would have to be a little ambitious to adequately cover all these
topics in one book. Who will be the first?


[This message has been edited by Reaver (edited November 13, 1999).]

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