

Started by April 06, 2001 09:46 AM
0 comments, last by Fatelvis 23 years, 5 months ago
I make music and soundeffects. If you think your game looks good, but the right " feel " is missing, mail to : Explosions is what I like most
Maybe I weren´t too exact, when I compare my proposal to the other one down in the list....... i have a digital multitracking Studio and work as Sounddesigner for a German E- buisiness/Learning company. We made 1 game ( somekind of point and click Adventure ) wich was for the Frauenhofer Company ( Mpeg- layer III) - I work with a sampler and have good Library of Soundss that I can use and made myself. Bass, Guitar and Piano are played live , as I also have my roots in munich Music szene.
As most of my demos are mpegs anad Avi´s i can only show u :

A flashsite, where I did the sound for. THe customer wanted the sound like this, personally I think it´s too much sound. ( e.g. the Mc affee banner - comin´all the time )

2. ( this is a java game )

just ask for a demo if u want. U can also ask for individual sounds and send me a description like : " Hi David - I need a sound for a Gun that we call Multitarget destroyer. It should destroy all Tagets in sight and burn them slowly after it punches out the enemies Lounges."....

But I am also interested in age 13- games

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