
04.06 - It's About Time...

Started by May 29, 2001 09:46 AM
26 comments, last by Teej 23 years, 1 month ago
I finally got Visual C++ and I am getting all of this. This is millions of times better than QBasic game prgramming.

Great job Teej!
I''ve been following along and have not had problems until we started using Using just the code without any modifications I can compile and run but the program is immediately minimized, and when I click on it to bring it up it is brought up for about 2 sec (just enough for me to see the A cruising across the screen, then it minimizes itself again... I have a suspicion that it is my Video Card (its a matrox something with 8MB RAM - I don''t know more about the video card since this isn''t my computer, and I don''t have another computer at the momemnt.) Any suggestions, or do you need more information..


Hmm. It''s almost as if something else on the machine is taking away the input focus, and therefore becoming the currently active program. Is there something else running that demands ''on top'' status? A clue might be where the input focus goes after BASECODE2 minimizes...

Just a guess... anyone else having similar difficulties?


The focus just goes back to Visual Studio, I am launching the program from the menu bar build/execute basecode2.exe.

I do have a few other programs running at the time, I'll see if I can run with them off.

Any other suggestions?


****UPDATE - Dang it! I had Norton Anti-virus running, that program is worse than a virus half the time. Once it was off, the program worked just fine. Thanks for the help Teej, sorry to waste your time. I really appreciate your efforts with this tutorial, it's great.***********

Edited by - saetrum on July 5, 2001 4:29:57 PM
Regarding the high-resolution timer, I read somewhere awhile
back that it''s been on processors since the 386, so I don''t think
there''s much of a chance that someone doesn''t have one.

"kopperia no hitsugi"
Been following the excellent tutorial so far with no problems. But when trying this topic 04.06 Timing I'm getting nothing but a blank, black screen.
What I've done:
Got and extracted files to a new BaseCode2 area
Created a new Project and included all the files.
Built the code, no errors but black screen.
Then tried copyng in Game_Main() code from this web page into the editor to replace existing Game_Main() and rebuilt.
Rebuilt the code, again no errors, but just a black screen !
Anyone got any suggestions ?
I guess I've overlooked something :-(
DOH! Got a cr&ppy old monitor, so the demos only seem to work properly if I set the SCREEN_WIDTH & SCREEN_HEIGHT to match the my windows desktop settings (800x600) - done this and it works great now - had to do this before with BaseCode1, but forgot to change the globals.h in BaseCode2 - sorry for any time wasted !
P.S. Superb stuff Teej, keep 'em coming - I'm hooked :-)

Edited by - gxe on August 1, 2001 8:50:05 AM
Cheers !
Don''t beat me for this question,

but I don''t understand the code that initializes the sprite position:

static int pos = -SPRITE_WIDTH;

What is " -SPRITE_WIDTH"? Is it equal to -11? Or to --11??

Why inizialize a position to -11 (or --11 = 10)?

Al Sidan
Al Sidan,

It's -11. It didn't make sense to me either at first. What is going on is that the sprite is being drawn off screen so we can see it enter onto the screen. If I do my math right.. I'm probabyly off by a 1 somewhere... the rightmost pixel of the sprite should be at -1, so after it moves the very first time, the rightmost pixel of the sprite will be at 0, he first visible pixel on the screen.

Make sense?

Hope that helps,


To Thine own self be true

No day but Today

Edited by - Firemage on August 7, 2001 4:29:01 PM
To Thine own self be trueNo day but Today

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