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Tetris, Pacman, or Breakout

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10 comments, last by rodneyldixon 23 years ago
Does anybody know where I can get a tutorial for creating a tetris, pacman, or breakout game in Delphi? I''m asking for this because I want to see how game development is in Delphi. And if its not good, then I will go to C++ where I originally started. So please help a brother out!
RODNEY - YOU SHOULD NOT PROGRAM, everyone has repeatedly told you to learn c++, Im only writing a anti-rodney type post, cause you are getting so annoying , screwing up the forums causing other people to ask idiotic questions like you. So many people have told you what to do. Practically 3 months later, you have improved by nothing. Your just an idiot, dont program, you shouldnt, you dont get what to do by now, so stop, get a hobby.
tryforfulluse, you should be more encouraging to beginners. They can''t be expected to know everything, that''s why you help them, not flame them. rodneyldixon, I would recommend C++. It is your best choice. I think most people here would tell you the same.
Rodney I encourage you fully to maybe try to create tetris or breakout without a tutorial, think about how you could do it and maybe geta friend to give ya a helping step up if you need it but if you can problem solve how to create it yourself in Delphi it will be that much cooler and youll learn more when you succedd. I suggest you learn Delphi first and C++ both and itll look great on your resume to have 2 languages instead of just one. Ignore tryforfulluse hes just some stupid sob who wishes he had a life off the message board . Learn all you can Rodney and always keep practicing as you learn with your own custom programs even if the book might not ask you too.
quote: Original post by tryforfulluse
RODNEY - YOU SHOULD NOT PROGRAM, everyone has repeatedly told you to learn c++, Im only writing a anti-rodney type post, cause you are getting so annoying , screwing up the forums causing other people to ask idiotic questions like you. So many people have told you what to do. Practically 3 months later, you have improved by nothing. Your just an idiot, dont program, you shouldnt, you dont get what to do by now, so stop, get a hobby.

Come on, you gotta encorage the begginers and not blame them. Rodney if u did like the Delphi and if u wanna get something equal to that interface but in c++ . Get C++ builder !!!

"The shortcut is not always the best way "

Metal Typhoon
Metal Typhoon
Sorry, but I agree with tryforfulluse. Rodney has been bleating on about programming for SIX MONTHS, constantly asking the same questions over and over and ignoring every attempt at advice until everyone is sick of him. Just check out his posting history for chrissakes. The guy is clinically lame.

Rodney: For petes sake, just go away and learn your chosen langauge and WRITE A GAME. Anything. You are not going to become a programmer by posting here everyday asking lame questions.


-=Kicking Butt and Writing Code=-
hes asking for a tutorial and none of you are even giving em a link to a tutorial!


that site has source code to tetris and breakout I think. I''ve been wondering where a tutorial for a basic game so I can make my first game can be found
I really couldn''t find any on the web. So I guess the best thing is to look at source code.
I think your problem is that your trying
to create a game before you know c++ good enough.
I would suggest that you study accelerated c++
and then study Stroustrup''s the c++ language.
After that your probably ready to begin game
programming but be prepared to still learn stuft.

For tetris I think the best way to go about it is
create a 20x10 grid. Also keep arrays keeping track
of the widths and heights of the grid for fast look up.

For the rotation of the shapes it would probably be
best to have the cords precalculated in an array.

This is a good site to get unbiased reviews
of books.

All you people complaining about a newbie are complaining about your former self, keep that in mind... I betcha that when you were a newbie, and you saw C++, and then saw some easier language, you''d go for the easier looking language. I think what Rodney is trying is to learn how to do algorithm stuff in an easier language, like so many people start off with BASIC and PASCAL, then go into C++. You keep flaming newbies, and the world will be full of them. Newbies tend to be doubtful, because their entire career as a programmer might depend on a decision like this.

I think you (Rodney) should just use a language that your comfortable with for now, and later move to C++ once you get the hang of thinking like a computer. I did Tetris in C++ a while ago, so I can help you with that if you want. I''ve also helped people at school do breakout, so I could help you with that too. E-mail me at bakashinji@hotmail.com or icq me, 12688308.

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