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might I suggest?

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29 comments, last by Gromit 23 years, 10 months ago
Bob has it all crossed, and its obvious it was a hit-and-run attack because he's unregistered....

I believe that even though 3D is now "cutting edge" pre-rendered high-quality animations are so much more visually entertaining than realtime 3D. When we have realtime raytracing built into hardware running at constant 60fps at 1900x1400 or so then I think we can hail the end of prerendered graphics. But not until then.

- Splat

All I was saying is that pre-rendered artwork is not as appealing as real-time renderered stuff, which can have dynamic lighting and transforms.

Games like 7th guest (1993) and Psycho Pinball (1995) used pre-rendered artwork to great effect, but I thought things had changed, with the advent of fast hardware acceleration, and to use pre-rendered art for a commercial game seems silly.

I know this is none of my business, it's just it surprised me to see somebody putting down new developers with possibly innovative ideas (however unsuccessful), when their ideas are so bland.

You use whatever is appropriate for your game. Personally I think Quaternion looks pretty cool just as it is and I hope it makes it into the finals of the IGF.

It seems to me the whole point of this thread was for those people who are trying to come off as this great development group with the next million copy seller to realize they're probably deluding themselves and trying to sell a load of crap to the public. If you're just starting out own up to the fact. There's no shame in it. Everyone starts somewhere and those that have made it more than likely have written a couple of sucky games. People aren't impressed with words, they want to see results. When you've put out a game, then you can brag a little.

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

Pre-rendered art still has a rather large place in commercial games. Take a look at Baldur's Gate, Final Fantasy VII and VIII, the Resident Evil series... there's a large list one can compile. All of these sold big.


I'm just going to go sulk in a corner now...
You dont have to go sulk in a corner, but the reason people reacted so strongly is that you were really harsh and unappropriate with your comments.

All my games (www.lupinegames.com) use presendered graphics, and there is absolutely no way I could have gotten real-time rendering to look even fractionally as good quality.

You use what the interface and game call for. 2d/3d rendering are just tools to a visual effect.


I agree that some real timed rendered stuff can look very cool ect. But i think prerendered graphics have a large place in a game (specially in 2d games). I mean look at Heroes of might and magic 3 its all prerendered and the first time i saw it i was simply amazed.
I want to point out that I think Bob missed the point of the original post (which I happen to agree with). No one is trying to put down people with new ideas. Quite the contrary. The thing we are objecting to is the posing that goes on by a lot of newbies who have probably never even made a game, and yet they pretend that they have a legitimate company. To make things worse, often these people declare themselves the "idea man" because they have no programming or artistic skills to contribute. C'mon, if I'm going to work for free (and anyone who works for a cut of the profits IS working for free), it's going to be to implement my own ideas, not someone else's.

As Mason said, it's better to just be honest. There are a lot of people out there willing to join teams; you don't have to pretend to be something you're not to appeal to them.

Oh, and read this article, written by someone with extensive industry experience, before criticizing a game's technology again.

Why do all these people that are building programming groups and starting their own companies of 14 year old newbie programmers who have never even programmed anything before.... Think that the game that they are making, is going to be published.

There are thousands of groups out there that are making games, and only a couple of them might get it published.

I keep reading through here everyday and posts keep pop'n up asking for more programmers or artists or idea people for a new game that the group is making, and then promising a cut of the profits. It doesn't happen that way!

Might I suggest that all you new groups that are pop'n out of the woodwork... stop promising a cut of the profits and admit that there will never be any money. It would be much better to say that they can use it as experience for their resumes.

please remember.... admit it!

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Just thought it worth agreeing with the last post, and as a linkd issue i might advise any of these 14 year old newbies to code a 2D game before they get too stuck in 3D. It seems every toher post or chatroom topic is a newbie coder needing 3D bilinear-mip-mapped-real-time-translucent mega-rendering help, when these people have never even finished a game of pong.
I agree hugely that too many people are becomming blinkered by new technology, especially in the 3D area. I regualrly play and enjoy Age Of Empires II, which is old-tech, and also Aliens vs predator which is new tech. its the gameplay that matters.
Also like to echo the point on geocities!, it really dosent cost that much to sort out your own domain, and if you dont do it, dont expect to be taken too seriously.
just my $0.02

Cliffski www.positech.co.uk

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