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Ok... Hypothetical Situation...

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2 comments, last by Duo S 22 years, 11 months ago
As is typical of most things I do, I often try to run b4 I can walk and am always thinking about 3 steps ahead.. which brings us to my current situation... After learning to program in both pascal and then delphi (not to hard a jump ^_^ ) about 5 years ago.. I eventually gave up due to frustration at not being able to create the next gaming masterpiece... Somehow, text adventures really didnt float my boat, and all I could do with Delphi was create applications such as address books and maths tutors.. again not very exciting. I decided to turn my efforts towards game design, rather than the actuall programming.. which was great except my ideas remained lifeless words on paper.. about 2 years ago I stumbled across various Creation Kits and finally brought some of my games to life (very exciting when you see you game come to life ^_^ )... The thing is that these creations have limitations, there is only so much I can do with these creation kits, and as my current project draws closer to completion.. I am thinking ahead to the future.. and the best project, the one I kept hidden away, waiting for an oportunity to release it... So this finally brings me to my query... The major project is an online game, similar to that of ultima online but set in the future rather than the past... I always dreamt of it looking something like FFVII (final fantasy 7)... Pre-rendered backdrops and rather blocky, yet cool looking chars.. not to much of a stretch for todays computers capapilites, and nothing ground braking.. but cool non the less... SO the question is where do I start.. What do I and my team (currently consisting of 8 people and myself) need to learn and do to create this masterpiece... (please note, that all 8 other members are able to program in C++)... Anyways, I have waffled on for far to long, and if anyone reads this far without getting bored.. I''d like to say thanx and congratulations ^_^ thnx When you come to a fork in life, choose the fun option, cos all of them eventually lead to death
When you come to a fork in life, choose the fun option, cos all of them eventually lead to death

If any of those 8 members are capable of doing that, they can answer that question for you. If not, you might consider finding programmers who know what they''re doing.


Float like a butterfly, bite like a crocodile.

--Float like a butterfly, bite like a crocodile.
I think it''s rather odd to assemble your team without having or without your team having knowledge of how to make the games. But anyway, if your team knows C++, then they must read about an API like DirectX or OpenGL. And even then, if this is you and your team''s first project, I highly doubt you''d be able to pull off a game in 3D or anything complicated. It takes a long time to learn everything about that.
@ Goltrpoat : Fair comment.

@ Midnight Coder : I realise 3D is out of the question for a first game... Like i said, thinking ahead, mainly so I can think about what i need to learn... 3DsMAx etc...
As for the team assembling comment.. I had no idea any of them could use C++ when they signed up, they could all use the creation kits, so I welcomed them to the team, it was only later that the knowing C++ came up ^_^

thanx for your comments though, both of you ^_^

When you come to a fork in life, choose the fun option, cos all of them eventually lead to death
When you come to a fork in life, choose the fun option, cos all of them eventually lead to death

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