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What next?

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6 comments, last by Erebus 22 years, 11 months ago
First, let me give you an idea of what I know. I''ve been programming in C++ for two years now. I''ve taken both programming classes at my school. These classes were pretty lame. The first one spent a semester on QBASIC. The second barely got to classes and we didn''t learn anything about pointers. I''ve been learning a lot on my own too. I''m pretty good with classes and pointers now. I''ve been teaching myself MFC for the past few months. Now, what I really want to do is program games. What am I going to have to learn and what should I start with next? DirectX, OpenGL, both, or are there some other things I should learn first? So, I know C++ and some MFC. For my first real game I want to do a 2D, tile-based, turn-based, RPG. What do I need to know and what should I learn next? Thanks for your help.
read this tutorial (10 parts). It''s a good one http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/gpgenesis1/
Thanks ritesho. I just read the first part and it was great. I new a little about tht stuff, but this''ll really help. MFC takes care of that stuff for you, so I haven''t seen much of it up until now.
Hello, my first post here-- I am a beginning programmer, and I tell ya, the Sams Teach Yourself "Beginning Programming" by Greg Perry is very good. He gives you a solid background with a short history of programming, then leads you into some QBasic programs. From there, he moves you into a bit of Visual Basic, then with introductions in ''C'', ''C++'' and ''Java''. The last few chapters go over stuff like debugging tools, how to ''properly'' distribute applications, and finally a chapter on the future of programming. I will recommend this book to any newbie programmer.

After going through Perry''s book, I did get Ivor Horton''s "Beginning Visual C++", which is very informative, but I don''t like all the math he gives you off the bat. By Chapter 2, with Horton, you are already going over Bitwise Operators and Casting Operands... Is it me, or must one have to learn explicit cast and static_cast in Chapter 2??? I would think you could go over more general programming rules, and later get into the fine tuning.

Well, Horton''s book is still very good, just hard to wade through as an outright beginner.

"The post-modern Empire is ended tonight! -Mike Patton
Yeah, I agree with Redstar, Sams Teach Yourself Beginning Programming in 24h is a really good introduction book. Erebus, don''t you think an rpg is a little ambiguous for a first game? If you want to start making games, read this: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/design/features/makegames/

><[[[''> ~ Insert signature here ~ <'']]]><
Anonymous Programmer
Yes, an RPG is a little ambitions for a first game. I don''t plan on even starting the RPG for a couple of months; maybe more. This is just my first big project after I''ve learned a lot more. What I want to know is what do I need to learn to prepare? While I''m learning I''m sure there will be many small games, pong, tetris, etc. that I''ll make first.

What I want to do is figure out a general path to my goal. So, I know C++. Next I''m going to read those tutorials that ritesho suggested. What else am I going to need to learn?

Some where along the line you seem to have gotten confused. I didn''t start programming last week, and I don''t expect to pop out an RPG in a month. What my original post said was what I know now and where I eventually want to get too. What I''m asking for is some suggestions as to a path to get from where I am to where I want to go.
Oh, I thought you said "for my first game" not "for my first real game." I wasn''t paying much attention ^_^ (sorry)

><[[[''> ~ Insert signature here ~ <'']]]><
Anonymous Programmer
That''s OK. When I was typing the post I thought about going back and putting quotes or something around real to make it stand out. Guess I should have, it might have avoided some confusion.

So, now that we''re all on the same page can anyone else help me out. Right now my plan is this.

Get C++ ref. book (books are better than online documentation)
Learn windows programming (suggestions - books? tutorials?)
Learn DX & GL
Practice, practice, & more practice
Write RPG

Have I left anything out?

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