

Started by July 20, 2001 12:43 PM
61 comments, last by DeaD_PoeT 20 years, 5 months ago
Incredible. Is so f*cking hard to keep some free webspace up? I mean, doesn´t anyone get like 10Mb of space from their ISP?

Ok, Sorry... Anyone taking their time writing tutorials, publishing info or whatever have my deepest respect, but when those sort of things happens, you try following a link in a forum to some page and the darn link is either dead, or you end up at a geocities "this site no longer exists"-sign I usually lose it sooner or later. I mean, if someone acctually takes time writing something like this, shouldn´t they put more effort in making it avaible to people? It seems like a small task compared to writing it in the first place. My anger is not directed towards these people. It´s aimed towards the fact that some things on the internet can be up 24/7, and some things disappear after two days online, usually some place like geocities thinking it took too much of their precious bandwith or whatever... Narrghh... I need to take some coffee before I insult someone...

I have the files on my Website but I started this tutorial when it came out last April 4th, 2001. I can't remember if I modified any of the BaseCode because if I remember right Teej had given us the templates and then had us make a few mods to the code. I may have modified the basecode or I might have created copies I'm sorry if my Basecodes contain the changes.

The files I have are BaseCode1, 2 and 3; I hope they are the right ones...

[edited by - Joruli on August 1, 2002 10:29:24 PM]
I am here, you are there.Joruli
hi, i have a server. I would be willing to host u. Possibly free domain n stuff. but obviously u would have to pay.
Is dead? I haven''t found any really useful tutorials yet. Where are some working links? Sure, Teej is a brilliant writer, but I need to see working code. I want to see a tutorial where I can copy the code from this site, run the program and study how the code work: not ponder over descriptions on what my next step in game development would be.
if you don''t know what you want to do, then you can''t map out how to get there
well, you want a free hand out!!
scroll up download the code and be happy!!!

the site is for helping others with game development!!!!

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


quote: Original post by bytesplit
I want to see a tutorial where I can copy the code from this site, run the program and study how the code work: not ponder over descriptions on what my next step in game development would be.

Without theory practice is irrelevent...


if someone has a full set


Im a Noob but i am willing to learn
-----------------------------Im a Noob but i am willing to learn-----------------------------
If anyone still needs the files email me at and i will send them
to you.

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Without theory practice is irrelevent...

Oddly enough, without practice, theory is irrelevant...

(but then again, I am quoting you out of context...hehe... )

[edited by - _nomad_ on February 13, 2003 10:07:01 AM]
can i have some of that tutorials?

send it to my email

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