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Modeling help wanted

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22 comments, last by Spiderjink1 22 years, 10 months ago
I brung my problems out into public viewing? I think not. I came here to set the facts straight - You said you were the co-owner so more people would come to you for the offering... The fact is you said you are the co-owner, even if you told the people that e-mailed you that you are not. And that (atleast I believe so) is a complete act of incompentence on your behalf, not mine...

Now for once though - please do not turn this into a flame war, that would be one of the most stupidest moves you could make! Lets just settle this developer to developer... Oh and BTW I''m not the company manager, Ben is.

Mitch Rockidge
Owner/Founder of Ethereal Chaos
You just dont understand! It is called Game development and creation (how to create, manage, and maintain a 3d game), by Mike Celismack. You can buy it any amazon bookstore around. That will explain it to you a lot better what this industry is like and how to manage in it.
Yea, how to create and manage a "3D Game". We are not talking about a game here, we are talking about a company... Something in which you have no idea how to run! Just like you told me awhile back - "I''ll just tell people that want me to pay them that I''ll pay them after the game is done but I never will"... Yea, thats how you run a company - through tricks and lying? I think not! Warren Spector, John Carmack and Jon Romero did not make it this far by lying... I think you better learn how the industry works before you say anything! A book is nothing compared to first hand knowledge... I''ve worked on modifications for many games and have successfully kept the teams organized and got them to work for there goal - That may not be actual game development but it sure as hell is close enough... I did that for almost 3-4 years and I have been doing it professionally for 1-2 years... I dont think you can top that with your current state. You always had to have people do the work for you, atleast I actually work up close and personally with everyone on the team.

Now cant we just shut up before we ruin whatever friendship we still hav left?

Mitch Rockidge
Owner/Founder of Ethereal Chaos
well the people of your company seem to get on well. lol
this is getting fun
Wow I didn''t know Gamedev went into the 24-hour drama/soap opera business. hehe
Angels Eternity: I get along with the whole team except for this guy... Him and I are cool when we are just talking but when it comes to buisness everything goes to hell!

TechnoHydra: Just trying to proove that I''m right and he''s wrong (No offence Nick but I''m sure most of the posters on here will agree)... And I''m kinda enjoying myself!

Mitch Rockidge,
Owner/Founder of Ethereal Chaos

lucky I don''t have a pC game news site. I could put a news on 2 guys at Cyanide Studios fighting.
You''re french right?
Hehehe let me settle things about this french Cyanide Studios... I had the name CS then I found out about these frenchy developers with the same name and from the looks of things they have been around longer, so I changed our name to Ethereal Chaos to make sure we dont get sued

Mitch Rockidge,
Owner/Founder of Ethereal Chaos
OH! And no I''m not french...

Your telling me i dont know how to run a company!!!! I think not. If you are such a professional as you claim. Why would a professional take things to this extream into the public for all eyes to see. To a professional this is being a script kiddie which most of us will agree that you are. A professional would take this out privatly with that person, but not into the public. I myself have continued to reply because i''am enjoying myself and not taking things sersiouly. I have great communication with my team and manage it quite well. Unlike you who seems to lose ppl left and right. You treat your team members like dirt and offer no company support whats so ever. Now would a professional do that?

I leave you with that question and warn you if you are trying to go professional with this stuff you better learn a lot more first.

Thank you for your support my gamedev fans!!!!

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