
Electronic Brain

Started by December 26, 2010 02:30 AM
-1 comments, last by omariabdallah 13 years, 8 months ago
Dear searchers, students
I have the big pleasure and the big honor to inform you about my new book "Electronic Brain", that contains the result of 12 years of my researches in the neural network field, I present in this book a new model of neural network named El-Dorra, and I include a new learning methodology as the separated learning, continued learning and artificial forget in order to obtain the Electronic Brain.
This new technology was supported trough 12 years (1998-2010) by many international conferences as:
CICMA'04 Australia, ICBP'04 Sweden, ICIMA'04 China, ICINCO/ANNs'04 Portugal, IKS'04 Turkey, ISNB'04 Holland, Bioinformatics'04 Sweden, MML'04 Italy, SCT'04 USA, CITSA'04 USA, ICDL'04, BICS'04 UK, Wesas'05 Portugal, NNSC'05 Poland, Isf'05 Texas, ICIT'05 Jordan, Wseas'09 Cambridge, FICNPSC 2010 Atlanta Georgia USA, ICADIWT 2010 Turkey, ICAI'10 Las Vegas, Nevada USA, ICCA ‘10 India, ICCNSE 2010 Japan, ICICCA2010 India, …. And others
You can found the book Electronic brain on Amazon:
if it is not available contact Mr Roger roger(at)
• ISBN-10: 1871131219
• ISBN-13: 978-1871131215
For more information or purchase you can contact my agent in UK Mr Roger Loughney :, or the publisher :

Best regards
OMARI Abdallah

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