
Feedback Wanted

Started by March 12, 2011 03:00 AM
-1 comments, last by N3L5ONMD 13 years, 6 months ago
My Portfolio

Hey guys, I have recently joined this forum off a lead from the "" site. I am wanting to get a foot in the door with ANYTHING within a sound realms of a project, be it effects, sound design, ambience. I have begun adding some things to my soundcloud profile as a sort of portfolio of my skills up to this point. I am currently taking a course this semester on Pro Tools 130 Using Pro Tools for Game Audio, I have an assignment posted on my soundcloud where I had to create using my own pre recorded sounds a sort of theater of the mind, where a person is walking up to their car, they get in it, turn on the ignition and the car begins to transform into a ship and takes off. I think personally the portion of the jet sounds cheap and cheesy but by the time it came to submit the assignment I had a bout of a sinus infection and could not hear anything all too well, I just submitted what I had. Basically it is a bit of a rough draft but it should showcase my skill level at this point. I have also posted a few recordings of everyday things as a quick sound byte again for reference and current skill level. Feel free to hit me back with any feedback as to what I need to improve on or what you would like to see added and I will go ahead and implement requests. Thank you! I look forward to your feedback and critique anything to help me evolve and grow in this field.

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