
May I introduce myself ...

Started by December 06, 2011 02:44 PM
3 comments, last by Calum Bowen 12 years, 9 months ago
I have been a longtime lurker on these forums ... Having my new webpage up I find now is a good time to introduce myself.

I am Zsolt Marx, located in Vienna in Austria. I do sound design and music for a living, check out my portfolio ->

Feedback is highly appreciated and projects to work on even more so :)

All the best

Good job, great website!
Keep doing the good work.

P.S I couldn't stop tapping my feet to the beats.
May I introduce myself ...[color=#FFFFFF][size=2]/quote]

No, you may not.


Couldn't resist! Welcome! Happy to have you on the forums! I love your website. What service did you use? It's very clean and intuitive.



Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

:P Thanks for the replies.


I used a webtemplate called Temptation as a base and then I dug into the css and the html files - it's still a bit rough around the edges, but will do for now :)

http://themeforest.n...template/234462, good place, I found a couple really nice ones.

The audio player is the Javascript version of the Soundcloud player - again with some tweaking ... I was keen on the waveform view, doesn't seem to play on iPhone/iPad unfortunately.


May I introduce myself ...[color="#FFFFFF"]/quote]

No, you may not.


Couldn't resist! Welcome! Happy to have you on the forums! I love your website. What service did you use? It's very clean and intuitive.


Really great informative website. Looks like you've had some great experience. Thanks for introducing yourself! :)
Calum Bowen,
Composer & Sound Designer,

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