Advertisement 2013! What do you want to see from the site?

Started by January 01, 2013 04:00 AM
74 comments, last by weymiensn 11 years, 2 months ago

You could have a great social network + forum here focusing on enabling people to connect and get stuff done. Wouldn't it be great to able to see who locally is interested in game development, what their skills and interests are, and be able to form a team?

Hah! See my post above, I think we might be chopping on the same tree here.

11. I want to be able to post/upload/(something) HTML 5 games on GD.Net.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.



Might have been mentioned but I couldn't find it in my searches but this might be useful as an alternative currency to offer developers.

Time Bank Idea

An update on the vote system.

Specifically, I'd like to see who down/up votes my post/topics so I can respond accordingly.

It'd help to know who agrees with you and who disagrees.

It may start more fights but I feel you shouldn't be protected by the website. If you wanna talk smack, you should be held accountable.

Basically, I just want there to be an option to vote anonymously or publicly.
SinisterPride, voting a post up or down is not about talking smack or taking sides. If your post is helpful, it should be rated up. If you post unhelpful, or off-topic BS, it should be rated down. It doesn't matter who disagrees. And we don't need any fights.

If you want to get rated up, post something of value. Leave a thread better off than it was when you entered into it, and your insight will be appreciated.

It probably helps not to post long winded rants in funny fonts with randomly bolded words and random symbols. You look like you have some nice ideas, but no one wants through chunks of poorly formatted text.

Specifically, I'd like to see who down/up votes my post/topics so I can respond accordingly.

Buy a gd-net subscription and you will be able to do this. From my perspective it isn't something that should be an openly available thing to everyone, simply put, investing money into this site by way of GD-net is expressing an interest in the value of the website and is less likely to occasion rancorous behaviours.

Edit: And more importantly your name is orange......(which is not red cornstalks! :P)


Buy a gd-net subscription and you will be able to do this.

Wait, really?

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

@Stormynature: I worry a GDNet+ wouldn't help my situation, despite its orange-ness tongue.png

Buy a gd-net subscription and you will be able to do this.

Wait, really?


[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

@Stormynature: I worry a GDNet+ wouldn't help my situation, despite its orange-ness tongue.png

Buy a gd-net subscription and you will be able to do this.

Wait, really?


Images allowed in signatures? I'll have to work on that...

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

I think it is time for an embedded development forum. Maybe attached to the mobile and console forum. With the way rasberry pi, arduino and othe home brew electronics are taking off it really opens up the opportunities for developers to test their prowess on devices similar in power to the original 8 bit gameboy.

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