
Demo reel 2012 - Do you think I'm ready for contract work?

Started by January 01, 2013 04:26 PM
14 comments, last by nsmadsen 11 years, 8 months ago

Hmm, honestly I'm not sure, if that intentional goofiness will serve you well. I understand that you're aiming at smaller companies, however chances are, that a fraction of those companies could find this a bit unprofessional, if not unsavory Personally, I'd stick with a more minimal and serious approach. Don't get me wrong, it's good to have a laid-back appearance, but in this case I'd just play it safe (it's always better to, say, have 10 companies having a good impression, than 8, if the remaining 2 would deem the reel too corny).

Another very important thing and, by all means, I don't want to insult you, is that voice-over makes you look quite arrogant. Quoting Sniper from TF2: "Professionals have standards. Be polite. Be efficient." Go with the modest, but sharp and effective approach. Don't sound like a used car salesman. People will see it through.

Also, play it minimal, but neat. I don't know about others, but I find flashy, out of the blue pictures, with bold and sporadic colour fonts on a white background kinda annoying.

Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't say I'm cheap. Instead, maybe say, that you offer quality product for a reasonable, negotiable price!

Good luck!



^ Exactly what I was thinking.

For an over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek approach like this to work, you'll need help from designers / video editors in my opinion.
As it stands, it's fairly annoying and just makes me think of cheesy local TV ads, and not really in a good/funny way.

Sorry for the harsh feedback on what must've been quite some work - just my two cents.

Also, I agree with this:
Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't say I'm cheap. Instead, maybe say, that you offer quality product for a reasonable, negotiable price!
If you sell yourself as cheap, you'll probably end up doing cheap jobs.
Sounds oversimplified, but often-times it's just the way we sell ourselves keeping us from getting financially and creatively satisfying work.


Check out my Music/Sound Design Reel on


Thanks both of you! You make some really good points. This was a pretty off-the-wall and spontaneous idea, and I guess I didn't fully think it through. I still like the initial idea of doing something different to stand out and be more memorable, but I understand that this probably isn't the way to go about it. I really didn't intend for it to come off as annoying or arrogant.

Hmmm... Back to the drawing board I guess. I suppose I should be focusing more on the music anyway. biggrin.png

JB-Audio: Quality sound design for your video games and films


?Check out my latest project! Specter, an original soundtrack

I agree with much of the points already made. Not sure if this would really help your cause or not. It does stand out but... consider this:

1) Much of the music was covered up by voice over. Length was certainly much better but the whole focus on your demo reel/commercial was your music and it got mostly covered up.

2) For all of the experience touted in this promo not a single mention of past credits, credentials or anything was listed.

It's a hard thing to do but try to find some way to let your work speak for itself. I realize you're trying to be humorous and the "WRONG" part actually made me laugh a bit, but this may not serve you like you hoped. Or it might. To be honest, I don't know. This is the fun and hard part of networking and advertising yourself. I remember hearing from George "The Fatman" Sanger about how he tried to this really unqiue and cool way to delivering/packaging demo reels. He was already successful by this point but wanted to reach out a bit more (from what I remember). Although it was cool it didn't result in call backs and ended up costing him a bit more time and money than he wanted.

So it's not a direct science. There's no sure fire way to go from A to B - instead it's trial and error. And although we're all slamming car commercials (and they certainly are annoying) the dealerships make enough money to produce and air them year after year.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

Thanks, nsmadsen! I think I'm just going to do a simple / normal demo reel for now, then go back to focusing on the music portfolio. I think it wil inevitably be important for me to build up a sort of unique style or personality for potential clients to identify with if I'm ever going to stick out in their minds. Branding is an important part of marketing. This video was a really forced attempt at doing that, but instead it just came off as annoying and devaluing. The hope was that the blatant over-the-top arrogance and the cheesy "car commercial" kind of marketing would be comedic enough to get various people interested in watching, but ridiculous enough that they wouldn't take the content of the video seriously. Once it grabbed people's attention, anyone that is actually interested in hiring me could easily find my work and make a serious decision about it.

Now that I actually see the finished video and I hear the feedback, I must say that I agree. It comes off as annoying, devaluing, and unprofessional, and it's not really the kind of branding I want to get across. All well. The only way to make it in any field is by learning from your mistakes then trying again :)

Thanks again everyone for the feedback!

JB-Audio: Quality sound design for your video games and films


?Check out my latest project! Specter, an original soundtrack

The only way to make it in any field is by learning from your mistakes then trying again smile.png

Thanks again everyone for the feedback!

The mere fact that you have this kind of attitude and response shows that you'll have a great chance at being successful. Too many times I run across folks starting out in this biz that feel like they know everything or get hyper defensive towards any critique. So major kudos to you for having this positive mindset!

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

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