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Help BCB 6.00

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4 comments, last by shabtronic 10 years, 7 months ago

Hi All

I've got a problem with the Latest version of angelscript and borlands BCB 6.00 - I got it to compile (there were a few compile issues - but very easily fixed). It all worked fine - Building angelscript code exectuing e.t.c. - The problem happens when using the STDSTRING extension,

using strings in script works fine and it compiles and runs - the problem is that my EXE hangs when exiting back to windows - I've tried to track down the issue - but no joy yet - anybody got any similar issues?

I've tried the following scenarios:

Exe hangs when exiting back to window - even if my script code has no string usage
Exe is fine and exits back to windows properly

Exe hangs when exiting back to window - even if my script code has no string usage
I'm thinking it's some kind of STL Issue - but who knows?
here's the call stack from the hang
005599F2 _STL::__node_alloc<1, 0>::_M_deallocate
00532B94 _STL::__node_alloc<1, 0>::_M_deallocate
004ABC13 TForm2::~TForm2
004AD53B TForm2::~TForm2
00534D54 _STL::__node_alloc<1, 0>::_M_deallocate
0053409C _STL::__node_alloc<1, 0>::_M_deallocate
00533FFF _STL::__node_alloc<1, 0>::_M_deallocate
005196C3 __init_exit_proc
00519712 __cleanup
005189D4 _exit
005198E8 __startup

many thanks


p.s. anybody else trying to uses BCB 6.00 you have to change any of the macros that have a ; after them, bcb wont compile class with ; and no definitions.





and some of the object pointers have to be explicitly cast before the compile will swallow them (forget which ones - easy fix tho).


I think BCB may be choking on the string pool in scriptstdstring.cpp, though I have no idea why it would have trouble with it.

Try changing the AS_USE_STRINGPOOL in scriptstdstring.h to 0 to turn off the string pooling.



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Hi Andreas

Yes I tried that eariler, I changed the AS_USE_STRINGPOOL define, no joy tho :(

btw - thx for your awesome work Angelscript, my fav scripting lang by far!


Update to my problem

Investigating the problem further - it seems it's related to stl stringstream - it gets stuck in some sort of deallocation

so I commented out anything to do with stringstream - which is a lot of the stdstring extension - and I get no hang - yaay!! but I also no fully working string - booo!!

I really don't understand the under the hood stl code - it's all voodoo to me, looks like the stream code is used for int/float to string conversion so I can easily work around it.

I'm guessing that it's a Borland compiler/STL port issue - I actually tested this and is completely a STL port issue (with a standalone exe - no angelscript) - nothing to do with angelscript :)

and easy fix for any other crazy folk using BCB 6 - is to enable



no more windows hang - yaaay :)

This is exactly the reason why I'm staying away from STL within the core engine. :)

I'm glad you managed to figure out the solution. I'll keep a link to this thread for future reference.

However, BCB6 is more than 10 years old already. Any particular reason why you're still using it?

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Hi Andreas

>>However, BCB6 is more than 10 years old already. Any particular reason why you're still using it?

I know :) - I use BCB 6.00 for my really fast R&D work - the compiler is uber fast and the VCL component architecture is wicked and the portable install size is 30mb - for me it's the fastest way to do disposable native c++ R&D work.

Quite tragically I have to totally ditch it soon tho - since the debugger doesn't work in x64 :(


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