
Using a program to run others

Started by November 02, 2001 10:53 PM
12 comments, last by mack 22 years, 10 months ago
Include header (not you own declaration).
Add library to project.

Let us know.

I wanna work for Microsoft!
Haven''t you added a library before?

Go to Project->Settings. You''ll be seeing a dialog box and under the link tab add the libraries you need to the Object/ Libraries Modules: edit box.

Then build.
Here is an easier way. Just include windows.h and do a WinExec("c:\\directory\\program.exe",1); . That works. Just dont forget your double back slash or it will not work, even you newbies should know that.

Oh and that number at then end can be used to manipulate the way the window appears i.e. minimized, full screen, normal. I dont remember which is which other than that 1 is normal. Just play with that a little and you can run programs minimized or make programs that are not usually allowed to be maximized to be maximized. Have fun.


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