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what happened, Marc?

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4 comments, last by Tacit 22 years, 8 months ago
quote: Original post by mlambert I''m sorry, but I really find people like this to be complete idiots. ... Well, I say to this, shut the HELL UP. I know my stuff otherwise I wouldn''t be a PAID professional. If you can do my Job better than me, then apply to my employer. If you can moderate my forum beter than me, then apply to the GDnet staff. If you are trying to be clever and annoy me, then at least admit it, don''t post any crap. Don''t be a pussy and hide behind anon posts...
Boy, Marc, you must really have let that AP get under your skin. I''ve never seen you say anything that wasn''t completely professional and/or polite. I''m shocked. You are certainly a rarity here, being someone gainfully employed in the games industry, so surely you don''t feel threatened by these meaningless postings? Don''t let them get to you!! We need you to maintain your neutrality in these issues otherwise you lose credibility and then you can''t help people anymore. Remember, for everyone who annoys you (intentionally or not) with a ridiculous question or rude statement, there are ten others that rely on your opinion. Just my thoughts, R.
_________________________The Idea Foundry
Ok, I''m going to explain myself.

Just after I posted about the industry and being employed in it, I recieved about 15 mails from the same person, all bashing me and the company I work for, all ending - only kidding :-)

Low and behold, I come to this forum and JSwing posted a post with a similar ending.

Now anyone who knows me here, ESPECIALLY those who I have taken time to mail and offer any advice/help I can give, knows this was totally out of character - but I just got so fed up with people hiding behind anon posts and mails (yes I am aware JSwing gave his name).

I apologize if I offending anyone who wasn''t involved and yes I did over-react, but I''ve also had three mails since with viruses attached, so you can see why I''m annoyed.

To the AP''s who then flamed me, I won''t argue with what you said, but don''t think for a minute that I am arrogant, otherwise I wouldn''t be here trying to help people and produced some of the results I have.

I''m concerned that the last poster said that he wouldn''t enter the industry because of people like me? Well, you have heard one horror story too many. I know a good deal of people in the industry and they are all great creative people, please don''t be fooled by anyone into thinking that it''s all stuck-up suits and ties!

Finally my apologies to DavidRM for causing a fuss in his forum!

Marc Lambert


Marc. Help Wanted template | Game development isn't easy! | Indie interviews
Bloodlust is back! -Leave your morals and political correctness at the door.

Amen to that, Marc.

oooh...viruses...send me some! No, really...that''s okay.
Yerg. Well, I wasn''t aware that my attempt at humor would set you off so.

For the record, I have not sent you any emails bashing yourself or your company. It appears that this was an unfortunate coincidence.

I often post anon, but almost always provide my name. Mostly because it''s faster and I occasionally misplace my list of passwords for various forums (fora?) that I particpate in.

I realize from your explanation that your venom was intended at the person who sent you those emails and misdirected at me, so it''s no big deal. But without the explanation I would have been rather puzzled by the extreme reaction.

No it wasn''t your humour that set me off and I apologise to you if you didn''t have anything to do with those mails, but it''s pretty obvious that the mails came from someone who visits this forum. I''ve had tons of positive mails from people who all sign their names, but one or two negative (before this came up) and low and behold all are anon...

The thread was titled ''Disbelief over publisher behaviour'', well at times I have disbelieve the behaviour of SOME of the poeple who visit this site and it''s forums.

There are professionals who visit here that I know and I have been contacted by three top recruitment agencies who vists these forums, but hardly any will post here or at least post and say who they really are...this is because they are subjected to the usual lame posts and mails (by this I mean flames).

Take me and my post. I said we had a game that''s guaranteed to be new and original. Now I expected people to disbelieve it, because you''ve heard it all before right? Well so have I. I''m not a programmer in this industry becase I play games casually, I''m as hardcore as they come and I''ve also heard it all before. It''s so funny, because the game''s not going to be liked by everyone (no game is) anyway and the person who decided to mail those mails is probably the sort of person who would hate it because it''s on a Nintendo system and not his favourite!

I visited this site long before I was a pro and I worked on a few teams just like a lot of the people here, but I never ONCE flamed someone because of anything like this, let alone mailed them and tried to send viruses! I guess because I was once amatuer and close to being indie, that I''m now a sell-out because I''m paid to do the work that I love...

I''m a moderator in the Help Wanted forum where this sort of behaviour was once rampant and would still be if I didn''t spend as much time checking and deleting flames as I do. People there complain of (for instance) lack of artists, but as soon as one comes along, idiots jump on them and drive them away. For what reason? I assume that the majority of people who visit this site do want to make it in the industry right? Well there is some serious relaxing to be done because no-one gets far in this industry by not working as a team and respecting each other. That includes respecting the other pros out there, whether they are in competition with you or not.

I don''t get paid to moderate here. I don''t get paid to offer advice or give it to those people who mail and ask for it. I don''t assume to be above anyone here and I certainly don''t go looking for gratitude or anything. I''m here because I''m in a privledged position where I am in my career and I would like to help others to get there...so if anyone wants to flame me here or in a mail, then do so, BUT at least have the guts to sign your name to it.

About that game. I''ll be around here still by next x-mas, so if it doesn''t materialize, then you guys owe me a bashing right. Other than this, I''d keep an eye out ;-)

Marc Lambert


Marc. Help Wanted template | Game development isn't easy! | Indie interviews
Bloodlust is back! -Leave your morals and political correctness at the door.

Maybe it is time to end AP. It is a tough call, a lot more to the issue that first meets the eye.

Glen Martin
Dynamic Adventures Inc.
Glen Martin
Dynamic Adventures Inc.

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