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How to deal with fire and forget questions?

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38 comments, last by jacmoe 9 years, 2 months ago

Jacmoe, you get voted down so often because your replies are typically belittling and antagonistic. You do not know the age, skill set or nationality of the poster, but you seem to like to respond as though they are college educated adults from the United States or some other English speaking country. The question posted in the thread you linked to was poorly formed, but your attempts to gain clarification were inflammatory. Maybe that was the best way they could form the question in English. The word "program" in one of those crazy English words that has many different meanings, even within a particular context.

Instead of reacting to the words of the post, especially when the post is poorly formed, try to understand the underlying meaning. If that isn't possible, politely ask for clarification.


Jacmoe, you get voted down so often because your replies are typically belittling and antagonistic. You do not know the age, skill set or nationality of the poster, but you seem to like to respond as though they are college educated adults from the United States or some other English speaking country.politely ask for clarification.

My reputation is good, so I am not worried too much.
You don't know the age, skill set or nationality of me either.

Updated my profile with my location and age. ;)

You seem to be confusing me with someone who is Native English Speaker/Writer.
I am not.
In fact I am Danish. We are a very direct people, some people even call us blunt.
And I am perfectly aware that my kind of English can be misinterpreted because it is clunky.

Of course, I am always looking for ways to improve my written English, but I can't really escape my nationality.

To throw my weight around, I have more than 20.000 posts behind my belt on the Ogre3D forum and do have some experience in reading between the lines, dealing with cultural differences, etc.

I did ask politely. Sugar coating or wrapping in wool is not my style, to be honest.

I am fully aware that the word 'program' can mean a lot of different things, which is why I asked the OP to clarify.

Belittling and antagonistic?
Come on.
I am Danish. Get over it. My written word has an accent.
(( I wish I was French, though, so that I could say: "Pardon my French". But I am not tongue.png ))

Too many projects; too much time

Jacmoe, you get voted down so often because your replies are typically belittling and antagonistic.

For some reason, you are not the only person on this forum to accuse me of being condescending.
I haven't really been accused of that in other communities so it must be specific to this particular community.
Frankly, I don't really have the time to deal with this. It is silly.
Quite effective if the intention is to shut people up, I give you that. ;)

Too many projects; too much time

Your English is very good, but you miss my point. I read that post and assumed that the poster either didn't fully understand what they were trying to ask, so did not fully understand what the word "program" would mean in that context. I came on the post late and others answered better than me, so I stayed out, but if I would have replied, I would have done so with those assumptions.

This is considered rude and bad forum etiquette:

May I suggest Firefox? smile.png
http://www.google.com tongue.png

How does this benefit the poster? How does Firefox help him? A poor attempt at humor? Google? If all questions should be asked via Google, then this board should simply shut down. It is the point of this site!

Not much too add to gian-reto.

Yes, that's not surprising considering that he copied larger parts of the game programming wiki..
However, we are still not sure what kind of 'program' the OP mean.

You pointed that out why? He at least offered something of use.

If you guys don't mind wasting your time answering the same old questions over and over again then that is fine by me. I have burnt myself out more than once doing just that (Ogre3D forum)..

So, why are you here?

This was *almost* helpful...

really a little of all of them, I'll take a look at this link and let you know If i have any other questions.

Er, I don't even know what the actual question is?

What do you mean by "program" ?
Step by step guide?
Educational program?
Software program?

Please elaborate so that we actually stand a chance to answer your question (whatever it might be). ;)

...but then...

Even if that actually answered your question, it would be nice if you could put us out of our misery, or help us help you.

Why can't you simply ask "I'm not sure what you mean by 'program'. Can you elaborate?"

Your posts were condescending, rude and self-serving.

I mentioned the down voting because of this:

And pointing that out and/or demanding that the OP ask a better question, that doesn't seem to be well received.

Impressive work Mark.
I could of course walk your through my responses and point out what I meant, but what is the point in that. You have a very strong case, and I shall rest mine.

Too many projects; too much time

I've seen you be very helpful. I have to assume that what I am seeing in cases like this is a cultural difference. The way you responded in that thread comes across as condescending. That may not be your intent, but it is how you are being taken.

I think I'll stay away from threads like that in the future. I can live with that.

I think resisting the temptation is better than pissing everyone off, which I seem to be doing. Still learning..

So.. If people want to ask vague questions and waste energy on trying to answer the unanswerable, so be it. I am not going to stand in the way. happy.png

Too many projects; too much time

Even if the original poster never returns, answers may be helpful to others who have similar questions.

But yes, sometimes the original post is utterly senseless. They often get torn to shreds pretty quickly (the culture here is to answer nonsense with nonsense, which works fine).

Text is a difficult medium to gauge emotions from. I've written plenty of condescending posts that were carefully worded to avoid sounding condescending, and I've written plenty of friendly posts that accidentally appear condescending. In general, I'm a pretty condescending person (even in face-to-face conversations), and I have to try hard to not be sarcastic or arrogant - but it still leaks through. Luckily, I'm a very helpful person also (online and face-to-face), so people are usually willing to overlook my condescension while benefiting from the help, but that still gives me plenty of room for character growth.

While I don't think the 'Firefox' comment is helpful, many questions do have good answers on Google, where creating yet another thread wastes everyone's time, including the poster, since they would get their answer faster if they just searched the web. But I don't use the lmgtfy site, because that does seem condescending to me, but pointing out that someone needs to do basic research is, I feel, a necessary criticism people occasionally need to hear.

That being said, some questions where people ask and never show up again still have value to other members who lurk around. I've found threads on the internet where the OP never responds, but since the answer was given, it answers *my* question from googling. I've also participated in threads here on GameDev where the OP doesn't respond, or responds with "That solved my problem, thanks!", but the thread continues onward without them while continuing to provide value to the people who are discussing it.

I've also several times have asked questions and failed to respond to the answers. sad.png In rare situations, I don't feel motivated to respond - unsure of what to so, or capable of responding gracefully without biting someone's head off. I do try to respond to almost every thread I start. Other times, I'm waiting for more answers before replying, and the more answers don't arrive, and it feels silly to say, "Your posts didn't answer my question but thanks for responding guys" two weeks later, bumping the thread unnecessarily. Not responding and not returning aren't always the same. It's possible for OP's to read the answers, benefit from it, but for some reason or another, not feel comfortable responding or don't see a need to respond.

It'd be nice if they respond, but even if they don't, the thread isn't an entire waste. As much as I love heartfelt kudos from people who I've helped, that's not the main reason why I post.

Personally, I'd rather have someone ask a question and not respond to my answer, and happily assume they've figured it out, then to answer someone's question, and continue to invest several hours of back and forth posting, with the final result being that they don't actually want to learn and just want someone else to solve the problem. That can be draining to me, because once I start engaging in conversation, I feel obligated to continue, and if they aren't actually gaining value from my posts, it just makes me grumpy. dry.png

I agree that the 'Firefox incident' was silly.

I mean: Firefox is a program. Funny, right?

It really came across in all the wrong ways.

And, yes: I also have to restrain myself from being too sarcastic. I favor directness over vagueness, but occasionally I utterly suck at striking that balance.

One thing that I've noticed about this particular community here at Gamedev.net is that it seem to be consisting mostly of North-American people. Which is not surprising at all, considering that the overall topic is game development.

I could be wrong, but I don't see a lot of Asian/European/African/Arabic people here.

That is in contrast to the Yii Framework forum (PHP, web development) where there are loads of people from all over the world (lots of Asians) and coherent writing isn't the norm..

The Ogre3D forum seems to be a good mix of different cultures, except that it seems to have more white American males than the Yii Framework forum..

I feel that the overall tone is different, that is all.

Just a small observation - not a critique.

Too many projects; too much time

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