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The new 'Disallowed topics' rule

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103 comments, last by Kylotan 7 years, 6 months ago

actually it does, i'm rather sure that previous moderation actions contributed to the community tone resulting in this action and thread.

even though a moderator could of course deny this and make me look like a sucker!

neither a follower nor a leader behttp://www.xoxos.net
=-\, i know xoxos was a bit of a problem, but now it leaves someone having been banned indirectly due to the competition. =-(
Check out https://www.facebook.com/LiquidGames for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

From all of the above I concluded the issue is about gamedev.net not getting a bad reputation, which means that the owner(s) wanted to prevent crazy stuff from happening

(like on other sites like reddit). So it is a business decision.

If my conclusion above is wrong, I see no good reason for any kind of topic restriction.

- this is the internet

- the population will never be 100% diverse

- what is the big deal of "personal attacks" on the internet? this is the internet, taking people serious in a heated argument is stupid, as an adult you should know this.

- if a topic goes out of hand lock it -> most topics start nice, then go into chaos, just like big programs written by non-experienced programmers. But here we are dealing with the irrational human mind, so stuff goes crazy even faster. Lock it and restart the topic, it will go nice for a few pages, then go to hell, then lock it and repeat.

(also when I say "personal attacks on the internet" I mean getting called bad names online or via private messages. If you can't handle that don't post into topics like that. But that would mean you have a serious problem that most people don't. Obviously dead threats sent to your home via standard mail is a different thing. But unless you are a psychopath you won't do it.)

im on the fence about them. anyone that cant take some criticism or a different opinion online really shouldnt be on the internet in the first place. For the GG threads i think part of that comes down to the fact there are barely and girls on the site. perhaps if there were more providing input those topics would actually be more than just a brief comedy to those that read it. I think ive seen two post anything on the subject? One was laughed at and the reply quickly buried the other led to a thread lock. Maybe this lack of female posters to look up to is doing more harm than good..

I dont mind reading them and discussing them but I really hate the constant shove it down my throat feeling they bring. i hate them almost as much as the dumb youtube ads where we are going to teach the world to code because if you want to be someone in the future you have to learn it! I guess after thinking it over they really dont belong here at all, it just leads to a toxic community.

What does all of that have to do with this discussion?

Absolutely nothing. xoxos is complaining about this moderator action.


=-\, i know xoxos was a bit of a problem, but now it leaves someone having been banned indirectly due to the competition. =-(

To be fair, he was banned because he couldn't let things go - the irony being in a recent discussion, before I left the mod team, I spoke up for him as someone who had changed a bit and we should keep around.. good job I did step down, clearly my judgement is insane ;)

My worry about this, particularly in the light of there already being support for permanence is that we're moving from "these conversations are a pain" to being a banning offence to talking about and it's a short step there to it being a banning offence for starting the conversation about when the ban on them will be lifted (if ever).

Just because these issues don't affect the majority of posters is not a reason to silence the viewpoints of minorities -- even temporarily. Racism and sexism won't get put on hold for those several-tending-to-forever months. Not allowing them to be talked about won't make them go away.

And what's worse is that by banning further discussion on the topic, you are awarding the "win" to the racists and the misogynists. Turns out that if they're noisy enough, they really won't have to deal with the world changing around them. They really can make the annoying people who want them to stop being that way go away. The board becomes part of the problem, not part of the solution -- it tolerates racism and sexism by banning the people who publicly call it out when they see it.

Is that really a good message to be sending?

I don't have time to respond fully right at this moment, but I just wanted to quickly say two things.

Firstly, xoxos' complaint is completely unrelated to both this topic and the current contest. He was NOT banned for presenting unusual views as he is currently suggesting.

Secondly, I'll be responding in-depth to some points made tomorrow, as well as asking for some feedback on specific wording for adjusted rules do that we can look at allowing these topics again - I want them back sooner rather than later.

- Jason Astle-Adams

And what's worse is that by banning further discussion on the topic, you are awarding the "win" to the racists and the misogynists.

From my perspective, the point of the temporary ban is to provide a little breathing space to figure out how not to give the bigots the win by *default*.

Given that, as far as I can tell, our grand total is one(?) outspoken non-white man, and zero(?) outspoken women, the bigoted viewpoint currently wins just by showing up and talking softly.

The board becomes part of the problem, not part of the solution -- it tolerates racism and sexism by banning the people who publicly call it out when they see it.

I fully agree with you there. In both the sarkeesian/gamergate and extracredits/racism threads, our moderators were very slow to sanction individuals who were out of line, and then shut down the threads entirely, right about the time the progressive viewpoint had finally gained traction.

I'd like to make sure that in future policy changes, we don't let individuals manipulate the policies (i.e. getting the thread closed on their schedule via making personal attacks), or have individual moderators making the call to close controversial topics.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]

Swift/Kaite, has anyone on this site said anything truly bigoted/misogynistic?

The problem with this threads is always the same if you look at them. They start off civil for a few pages, then insults come out starting with either "You misogynistic CIS scum!" or "SJW like you are killing the gaming industry!".

The fact is, this will always be a problem for the site if you truly can't get over the (ludicrous) idea that people sit on here while waiting for their KKK meeting to start because it makes it impossible for you to read content in objective terms.

Of course, the opposite applies for users who come onto the forum and start posting rants about Anita and how she's going to destroy the industry, just that I can't think of any off the top of my head who aren't banned.

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