
A Seemingly Simple Problem

Started by December 09, 2015 08:18 PM
9 comments, last by LorenzoGatti 8 years, 9 months ago

I have a simple game idea. It would involve only a few things, perhaps two forums and a moderator, or referee.

The game is the posing of this hypothetical situation:

-> You are a space navy cadet. Your final project is the design of a fleet. Your fleet is limited by these factors.

1: You only have 100,000 tonnes of material.

2: You have access to the different types of materials available on earth in the quantities that can be found in the crust, less than 1km down.

3: You may only design 5 ship types. Each type will be assigned a classification.

4: Each ship classification will have an artificial intelligence installed on it.

5: These AI's will be quite stupid. They will not plan, they will not follow complex lists of commands. They will either attack, defend, refuel, flank, observe, rearm, and repair as they have been designed.

The fleet that you design will be pitted against the fleets of every cadet in the program in 1 on 1, 1 on 2, 1 on 3, 2 on 2, 2 on 3, and 3 on 3 combat simulations.

You will be awarded points based on

1: Cost: On a scale of 1 - 100, where 100 is awarded to the cheapest fleet, and 1 to the most expensive.

2: Effectiveness in Attack: On a scale of 1 - 100, where 100 is awarded to the fleet that destroys the most ships total

3: Effectiveness of Defense: On a scale of 1 - 100, where 100 is awarded to the fleet with the most intact ships and 1 to the fleet with the fewest.

4: Effectiveness of Co-operation: On a scale of 1 - 100, where 100 is awarded to the fleet that best supported and was supported by other fleets in multi-fleet combats. That is, that the win chance of other fleets, and the designed fleet rose the most when paired. 1 will be given to the fleet that lowered the chances the most when paired.

Now, I think this idea is fairly complete, and I would like to take it for a short test run, but I have no idea where or how to do that. Any ideas?

Also, yes, this was inspired by this thread:

I would like to take it for a short test run

What does that mean? What is it that you want to do?

-- Tom Sloper --


I would like to take it for a short test run

What does that mean? What is it that you want to do?

I want to use a free system that is already in place to run a limited version of the outlined game.

Now, I think this idea is fairly complete

Not even remotely.

You haven't defined what materials are.
You haven't defined how ships are designed.
You haven't defined the gameplay flow.
You haven't defined how ships get destroyed.
You haven't defined what intact ships are.
You haven't defined what multi-fleet combat is.

Game development isn't something that magically fills in all these blanks for you. Computers don't have common sense or imagination to try to figure out what you mean. Programming IS converting ideas into concrete implementation. You really do have to define what EVERY single little thing means and how everything works from the ground up.
You could try to write it out in a GDD to find out if you really know enough to be able to start coding/ creating. Here's an example of a reasonably "simple" game:

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

Computers don't have common sense or imagination to try to figure out what you mean.

start coding/ creating.

I think that you both misunderstand what I am trying to do. This is not a computer game. There will be no code. The gameplay will be discussion, talked out between the players and referee. This will play more like a tabletop rpg than a computer game. Really, what I am looking for with this thread is suggestions on where I can find a site that supports that kind of play, where the public can join and leave whenever they want.

I suppose any kind of forum would support such a thing. Maybe search for general table-top game forums and start a thread on one of those forums, since they likely have people who would participate.

There will be no code. The gameplay will be discussion, talked out between the players and referee. This will play more like a tabletop rpg than a computer game. Really, what I am looking for with this thread is suggestions on where I can find a site that supports that kind of play, where the public can join and leave whenever they want.


-- Tom Sloper --

Now, I think this idea is fairly complete

Not even remotely.

You haven't defined what materials are.
You haven't defined how ships are designed.
You haven't defined the gameplay flow.
You haven't defined how ships get destroyed.
You haven't defined what intact ships are.
You haven't defined what multi-fleet combat is.

Game development isn't something that magically fills in all these blanks for you. Computers don't have common sense or imagination to try to figure out what you mean. Programming IS converting ideas into concrete implementation. You really do have to define what EVERY single little thing means and how everything works from the ground up.

You need these kinds of details for board games too. Sure, it's easier to explain to a person how the game works in english than it is to explain that to a computer, but you'll still need those details at some point.

I'd say your first step is making a simple paper prototype, where you figure out the rules for making a ship, then try it out. Get it playable as soon as possible, without all the extra details that you add by having a big variety of ship types. Probably just something you try on your own at first. Then you can get into how the ships fight and all that. Maybe check out if you're interested in board game design.

Radiant Verge is a Turn-Based Tactical RPG where your movement determines which abilities you can use.

Maybe check out

I think that's the answer to the OP's question right there.

-- Tom Sloper --

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