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whats an easy way to implement this behavior?

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10 comments, last by Norman Barrows 8 years, 2 months ago

i have a new kind of AI behavior i want, that i've never needed before:

"do normal AI, while avoiding an area"

the specific case is doing normal predator or non-predator animal AI in Caveman 3.0 while staying away from campfires.

i discovered that "campfire nearby" and "taking missile fire" are not mutually exclusive conditions, and therefore require separate AI variables to avoid conflicts. so a change to the "flee from campfire" code is called for.

off the top of my head, it would seem that after deciding on a "move" the AI would have to then check to see if that "move" would place it near a campfire. if so, it would have to choose something else to do.

but the more possible "moves" the AI has, the more checks are required. skyrim has one type of AI (hostile) with two basic moves: attack and flee. caveman has at least a few more than that - perhaps as many as six different possible moves each for about six different types of AI. it would be a whole lot nicer if i could do one check in one place, rather than 36 checks in 36 places.

simply having an animal flee if withing 50 of a fire results in the critter oscillating between flee and close at a range of 50 feet, assuming their target is near the fire.

using a flag or state variable to flee at 50 and stop fleeing at 75 (or whatever) results in oscillations back and forth at ranges of 50 and 75 feet.

is one check per possible move the best approach, or should i go to a lower level and prevent targeting of entities near campfires altogether, or something else? is a separate AI state for "i can approach no closer" behavior required?

as i said, i've never had to write "avoid area" behavior AI code before - flee from area, yes. but avoid area while doing other stuff - no. so whats the easiest way to do this?

i want to keep it as simple as possible.


simply ignoring targets near a fire won't necessarily work. if the target is not near a fire, and the critter should flee from the target, away from the target might be towards a fire.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"





I won't call this the simple way, but in my game each agent allegiance has an overlay on top of the terrain that contains threat and discomfort information. The layers are added together to form the move graph. Nodes/edges are considered blocked when discomfort or threat is high, and the agent does not have the correct "stance" such as reckless/bold.

The move map values and stances are used throughout the code, and when the agent is standing still or doing other tasks, the threat/discomfort values are periodically sampled and can trigger a fleeing behaviour.

This system has been very costly to develop and requires a lot of CPU and memory resources, but it produces very realistic behaviours.

off the top of my head, it would seem that after deciding on a "move" the AI would have to then check to see if that "move" would place it near a campfire. if so, it would have to choose something else to do.

The threat/discomfort check should be done as part of the accessibility checks like you are probably already doing to determine if the terrain is blocked.

but the more possible "moves" the AI has, the more checks are required. skyrim has one type of AI (hostile) with two basic moves: attack and flee. caveman has at least a few more than that - perhaps as many as six different possible moves each for about six different types of AI. it would be a whole lot nicer if i could do one check in one place, rather than 36 checks in 36 places.

Yes, place the check at the base of the call hierarchy. All AI systems should do the check, all the time. If some code ignores the discomfort value, you will see dithering.
is a separate AI state for "i can approach no closer" behavior required?

You should use a new "stance" flag, for instance with 3 values: Fearful, Normal and Bold which is parallel to the AI states.
An AI state like "Attack" will set the stance to Bold, meaning that the move code will ignore threat and discomfort.
Other AI states like Eat and Sleep will set the stance to Normal so the move code will avoid/panic when in threatening situations. When fleeing, the Stance is also Bold, otherwise the agent will be unable to move. After escaping the danger, the stance is reset to Normal.
Fearful is a stance that can be used to simulate low morale, it simply means lower tolerance for threat and discomfort.

I have been using a modular influence map system at my last 3 clients (SOE for EQNext, ArenaNet for GuildWars 2, and now Pixelmage on Hero's Song). I wrote an article about it in the book Game AI Pro 2 and will be speaking about it at next year's GDC AI Summit.

The short version is that you project influence from things out into the world by propagating it into a grid -- falling off in value the further you are from something. When characters decide when to move, pick locations to move to, or even pathfind to new locations, they can look up values from the influence map system. They can determine things like "how much threat am I under right here?", "where is a low threat spot nearby?", or "what is a path I can take that has the least amount of threat?" By having different maps for different factions or hazards, you can combine them in meaningful ways to get a total value.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

>> modular influence map system


influence maps - got it.

>> ArenaNet for GuildWars 2,

i saw the video (that was guild wars right?) good stuff.

thanks for the info.

BTW: what appended to the "selected quote" button on the website?

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"




i may have just thought of a simpler approach.

the effect of an influence map would be to basically mark the area around a campfire as "impassable".

so why not just make the campfire a special kind of collide-able object with a really big radius? the effect would be the same.

this would be somewhat akin to embedding the influence data in the standard terrain collision map. so the collision map becomes the influence map.

its really not that different - add the influences to a copy of the collision map instead of adding collision data and influences to a separate influence map. the resulting map is more or less the same. so it still an influence map.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"




You definitely don't want to do that in such a binary fashion, and you don't want to lose that much area in general. If a creature becomes surrounded by all hostile-controlled space, they will be paralyzed.

Don't make the area impassable. Make it cost more, by some reasonable factor. If the only way to escape is through a dangerous area, you should still allow creatures to use that path.

Also try not to make things black and white in your passability constraints/path costs. Subtle shades of danger can be a powerful way to represent risky but not impassable areas. Many shades are better than just a couple, because you can then distinguish between "I'd rather not go there" and "that will definitely wreck my shit."

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

Don't make the area impassable. Make it cost more, by some reasonable factor. If the only way to escape is through a dangerous area, you should still allow creatures to use that path.

The problem with this is that it allows agents some distance away to path through the danger zone. This will look stupid because as soon as they reach the area, fleeing will be triggered and they will run away. Only to pathfind the same path again, and stay dithering at the edge.

I think blocking areas is better. It will keep everyone away and if the agent finds itself in a blocked area, it should immediately trigger panic/fleeing which allows it to ignore the blocked area until it is in a safe spot.

Don't insist on treating everything as a binary constraint. Agents shouldn't run just because they can see a very slightly dangerous thing 30 feet away, for example.

If your agents can build a threshold of "discomfort" before triggering the flee behavior, they can occupy moderately dangerous areas for brief periods before switching to a different mode.

Moreover, if your agents don't hard-edge all their decisions, they can choose to evade a nasty area if and only if it suits them more than any other available decision. So they might choose to risk a dangerous spot to go attack a really promising target, for example.

Locking things to binary constraints is a surefire way to get brittle, exploitable, and unrealistic behavior. Real creatures are rarely so black and white.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

You know how in a movie, some people might get surrounded by fire and then they realize that the only way to get out of the situation is to dash through the least fiery area? That's what happens when you have degrees of danger.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Predators often have their own predators, and prey of course do

SO most active animals will have things they will seek (their goals) and others (like their predators) avoid. So such behavior decisions will be common to many of your animals/intelligent objects

Campfires and the humans around them would be classifies as a threat (to some) and be rated with some threshold sensor range and threat magnitude relevant to the beasty who is concerned/sensitive about this and checking for cues

You might be able to do a consolidated/shared 'influence map' for large numbers of certain beasties (for certain different 'threats' types). The granularity can be cruder (bigger grid squares) depending on how accurate it needs to be.

and if required do partial rebuild (or update) sections of it on an interval (round robin to spread it out if its alot of processing).

It may not change that fast - or it might be allowable to have the changes/revisions be driven/forced by movement activity to accelerate particularly active sections/areas of the mapping when needed.

Something like that (a basic influence map check) might also simply be a filter for early culling, leaving the objects who would run more costly/accurate processing to drive their behavior.

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