
I'm new here ... is this site good for / where should I post?

Started by December 06, 2018 09:10 PM
11 comments, last by jbadams 5 years, 9 months ago


I'm new here and I'm teaching myself C# from a book. it is hard to get into it when you are on your own as there is no one to ask questions or bounce ideas off. I was wondering if there was a place for a new coder to chat, share code and ask for input form more experienced people with a focus on game development. I looked through the fourms, but I could't see a fourm for that kind of thing. Years ago I dabbled in C++ on a website called DevMasters but it apears to be gone now.



There is nothing able to be imagined by one man that can not be achieved by many - Jules Verne

The forum you're in now is most likely where you want to be for those kinds of questions.

For more direct/quick chat, you might want to join the GDNet Discord channel. Linky:

Hello to all my stalkers.


what is discord?

There is nothing able to be imagined by one man that can not be achieved by many - Jules Verne
47 minutes ago, jyujinkai said:

what is discord?

Discord is a chat program. More info on their official site:

Hello to all my stalkers.

oh I see.. like a voice chat... Thanks .. unfortunately I feel that text communication is much more my style. Plus I do not own a mic or anything. I'll as my noob questions here. I am working through two books "C# Players Guide" and "Learning C# 7 by Developing Games". I've almost gotten through the Players Guide and want to try a "learning project" text adventure in the console before moving on.. but as I am outside the scope of the books I would really like someplace to bounce ideas off and get advise.

There is nothing able to be imagined by one man that can not be achieved by many - Jules Verne

oh I see.. like a voice chat

It also has private and group text chat.


dosn't that mean all the information on there is transitory.. as in not archived and stored in a searchable way? That sounds like a terrible place for a community to hang out in to me. How would information be archived for the future? Anyway it dosn't matter.... thanks for that suggestion.. I just do not think it is for me.

There is nothing able to be imagined by one man that can not be achieved by many - Jules Verne

It's not transatory, unless for some reason discord blows up, in any case, I'm certain logs are being kept by the bots.


I have searched for keywords in conversations I've had with people months back and theyre easy to refer back to. It is actually been the primary tool for learning and discussing topics. It's less easy to talk past each other when you're in a chat room or direct messages. Forums I find sometimes you can be more easily misunderstood.


What other formats for communication did you have in mind? Maybe I'm missing something and GameDev should do something about it? :D

27 minutes ago, jyujinkai said:

thanks for that suggestion.. I just do not think it is for me.

It's not the best suited in all cases. Like I said, it's often nice if you've got a quick question you just want an answer to, or feel like discussing something more rapidly back and forth than writing long forum posts and hoping for a reply (which might be a lot slower in most cases). To me, bouncing ideas sounds well suited for this type of quick back and forth.

I don't think I've ever used voice on GDNet's Discord channels. Text is the most-used way of communicating there.

The chat also tends to be a bit more casual than the forums are.


Anyway that's a bit of info. Regardless of whether the Discord chat is what you're after, welcome to the community, hopefully you will settle in nicely :)

Hello to all my stalkers.

This forum (the one you're posting in) is probably the best for that sort of discussion. :)  For more advanced discussion we also have General and Gameplay Programming.

The Discord chat (we only have text enabled, no voice channels) can be good for a quick back and forth if that helps you, it's definitely not for everyone though.

We also have a blogging section if that's your thing. :)


- Jason Astle-Adams

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