
game idea

Started by May 24, 2019 10:10 PM
2 comments, last by Tom Sloper 5 years, 3 months ago

I have an idea for a RISK like game. I am going to use the united states as a world map. I break it into six regions I also use the playing cards that are one for each state only the 48 states will be used. the symbols on the cards will be ship plane and tank. I broke the regions into northwest, southwest, northmidwest, southmidwest, northeast and southeast. I am using the same combat principles and armies, also if a player gets a region they will get bonus armies and if the player gets three of a kind in playing cards they get bonus armies. I was thinking about using c++ and directx but I am unsure of how to proceed, what language and graphical library. I do have experience in c# and  c++ and opengl and directx.let me know of what you think of my idea.

should I post in another forum, I want to get some feedback on my game idea.


You mentioned programming languages and said you were unsure of how to proceed.

If you want feedback on a game concept, post it in Game Design and don't mention programming languages or production methodologies or other things unrelated to game design, and don't ask for advice about programming languages or how to code or anything unrelated to game design.

-- Tom Sloper --

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