
Copyrights and the Video Game.

Started by June 09, 2019 09:26 PM
4 comments, last by a light breeze 5 years, 3 months ago

  Hey guys, I just joined the forum in search for answers regarding my project for next year's as a free time hobby. My name is Radu I'm from Romania but I recently moved to Dublin, Ireland for a time and I decided to move further with my project that was started few years ago. I just want that everything to be done by the book and I decided to join a popular forum in search for knowledge. I don't want to get bored with more introduction about myself so I'll just starte my question.


 I started to write, invent and draw, things, characters and fictional stories about a whole new world with it's own continents, gods and religions, wars between the inhabitants a whole new world with more than anyone can imagine, every perfect vision of a world that player will be free to explore and do a lot of activities that will develop the character uniquely created. Behind the gorgeous world every place has it's own story about flora and fauna from that locations, major locations and important history events.

  Everything it's tied up together in a huge calendar that a long story will follow.

   The main story is not a full story from sthe very beginning till end but it's a story that started with the main events of how everything started and the real story will follow where everything will take place in the present and the ending won't be there because the story will continue with over the years.

    The story started in a peacefully world where everything co-existed with the others. Everything was calm and quietly until the night of coronation of the Prince (name) from the High City of Tirias. 

  A great earthquake started to rumble the whole world and shared it to pieces reshaping the world in what we know today! 

The story will included races like orcs, elfs and dwarves. My follow question is, races have some copyright? Did someone invented orcs or goblins and have their own copyright licence? Do I do something wrong if I use those races in a story for a future game?

 I did it as short as I could so I can skip the boredness behind a long and stupid text as mine ? thanks in advance and may it be sorry for my rough English grammar.!


 If you have any personal questions feel free to mail me :


Maybe even join up the team.

You're fine to use those races. The same concept would apply to asking the question: "Can I use skeletons, wizards, or  a rat race in my game?" If I painted a picture of an orc I would have copyright to that piece of work, or if I wrote a story about an orc, that piece of literature would be copyrighted. Such races are used in many public pieces so nobody has exclusive rights to them. These are way too common to hold such restrictions anyhow.

(This only refers to the above example you gave referencing the usage of "orcs, elfs and dwarves")

You'll want to make sure you don't use invented words which are trademarked if you're going to have a good or service with that name. Do your research, and consult a lawyer.

Programmer and 3D Artist

16 hours ago, RaduTbeer said:

races have some copyright? Did someone invented orcs or goblins and have their own copyright licence? Do I do something wrong if I use those races in a story for a future game?

Legal questions (copyright, trademark, licenses, contracts) should be asked in the Business And Law forum.

16 hours ago, RaduTbeer said:

Maybe even join up the team.

This kind of talk belongs in Hobby Project Classifieds. Recruiting is not permitted in the For Beginners forum (or any of our discussion forums).

-- Tom Sloper --

16 hours ago, RaduTbeer said:

The story will included races like orcs, elfs and dwarves. My follow question is, races have some copyright? Did someone invented orcs or goblins and have their own copyright licence? Do I do something wrong if I use those races in a story for a future game?

These are all very old concepts, that come from mythology (I believe, but don't quote me on that) and not invented by any one person. They aren't copyrighted. It's too generic for anyone to copyright. Now if you used something specific from a specific work of fiction that you don't have permission to use, then it's an issue. 

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

When using a specific fantasy race, do some basic research on their origin.  Elves, dwarves and goblins can all be traced to medieval or earlier sources, so they're safe.  The word "orc" is generally traced to a mistranslation by J.R.R. Tolkien, who used it as a synonym for "goblin", so it's kind of iffy but probably also safe.  The Tolkien estate has been zealous in enforcing their perceived IP rights, but I don't think they're going after anybody using orcs.  Avoid hobbits, ents, moogles, trollocs, or any other fantasy race that is clearly associated with a particular work or author, especially if the work is still under copyright.

Dungeons and Dragons used to have hobbits and ents, but they renamed them to "halflings" and "treants" under pressure from the Tolkien estate.  Dungeons and Dragons still has orcs, which reinforces the idea that orcs are safe.

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