
Starting a project, need a few more programmers( C++ )

Started by December 22, 2001 01:06 PM
12 comments, last by pizza box 22 years, 8 months ago
Before I start explaining, I just want to say that I posted this topic here because it seems the Help Wanted board is more for intermediate-advanced teams. I'm looking for beginner-intermediate C/C++ programmers. I am having trouble with programming, and its not that I don't understand, but rather I don't have enough motivation to keep a solo project going. I get set up, I have an idea, I start programming and the first problem I encounter, I switch to a different project. Well, over a period of time I have developed quite a few ideas, and I feel that if I could implement them correctly in a program, it would produce quite an interesting output. But I need help, I realize that programming even the simplest of programs takes time and creativity. So I am looking for a small team of 3-5 beginner C/C++ programmers, and possibly one or two intermediate/advanced supervisors to keep us going. And now a bit of enlightenment: My ideas could be made into a text-based adventure/RPG ( I have to start somewhere ), and then over time once we get a deeper understanding of the language, we can convert it to a windows/DirectX project. Now I'm sure that almost every programmer has made their own text-based adventure game, and each one may be different in some way. But to create a whole world with all the logic and AI of NPCs would be a daunting task for a single person. So I feel that it would be easier to progress as a team rather than as individuals. So if you are interested or have a question/comment, please leave a post. I'll start working on a web page to keep us organized. Also, if you want to have a name for the group, you can leave some suggestions too. Thanks Edited by - Sethius on December 22, 2001 2:47:23 PM
Sounds cool.
I definately fall into the criteria of being a beginner :-) !
So I'm interested.

Edited by - Antony on December 22, 2001 4:17:30 PM
Do or do not, there is no try.--Master Yoda
Good logic dude, you should get a prise or something because you''re probably the first newbie that I see that actually understands why the For Beginners forum exist...

No offense meant to other newbies...

"And that''s the bottom line cause I said so!"



Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!

"gitty up" -- Kramer
/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question --
Hash Bang Slash bin Slash Bash -- #!/bin/bash
[Cyberdrek | ]
If you have a problem with leaving projects unfinished, this is a clear clue that you need to design your idea better before you start coding. If you go through the effort of writing everything out, and organizing it, you will stay interested enough to work through your bugs (as you already have a clear and precise conception of how cool your game is on it''s way to being).
At least, that worked for me.
You sound fairly much like myself... I would love to help out. I would rate myself an intermediate in C++, but I haven''t done a whole lot of real game-specific programming, so I might count more as a beginner... email =

It''''s not my fault! REALLY!!
It''s not my fault! REALLY!!
I''m pretty good with C++ in general. I''m only doing entry-level DirectX programming so far, so I think I fall into your category as well. Drop me a line, you got my help.

Herb M. (mdfmKoRn)
This sounds like a great idea. I am only 16 and am taking a C++ course in school. I understand everything there I just want to know how to use DirectX. The current tutorials are 2 confusing.
I''d love to help. I''d rate myself as Intermediate and I have had some windows/directx-related coding experience. Also like probably everyone else I''ve written a text-based adventure. email:
Sounds like the kind of thing I could do with, mail me if you''re interested.

Ok, so we got a little support. Now before we do any coding, we are going to have to get an idea. Now the great thing about a team is that we don''t have to think up everything ourselves. We take a standard text-based game, then add all of our own unique ideas to transform it into our own image. This will be an ongoing project, which will eventually be converted into graphics( 2d, most likely DirectX ), then possibly 3d ( not too concerned with 3d yet ). So we have to develop a really detailed design document before we start coding or else we will all be on different levels and our coding will be useless. When we have the same image, we can integrate our code together so they will function properly.

I began working on a web page( very simple ) for our ideas which you can post on a message board. Then we can begin to construct the design document and add more ideas as they come to us. But for the most part, I would like to have a complete idea before we start so we don''t end up having to re-write large portions of code just to be compatible.

If you have any questions/comments, or a name for our group, please leave a post. At the moment the Message Board for our site is not set up so we will use this one for now. Thanks

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