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Life like AI??

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27 comments, last by j8l5s 22 years, 5 months ago
Is it really posible to make an AI program think like a human? I ask this because as far as I know human thoughts and actions can refelect many difernt and random things that that preson has encountered in there life. People also have habits and personalitys that develope from many difernt source in there life. Like say a kid is badly brund as a child that child could grow up scared of being brund agin or could simply forget it ever happened. You also have to take into acount the mental development of a person. There is an infant amount of things that could happen at anytime given time in a humans life. There is also a lot we still dont know about the human mind and the way it works.Now that I said all that, what do you guys think, is it possible??
nice answer for a nice question

It''s difficult to say before its been done, but I reckon yes. I believe creating complex behaviour that externally seems like it is influenced by personality is in fact much easier than creating ''perfect'' intelligence. Human-like behaviour is mostly defined by the mistakes made (but also the ability to learn from them ...) That''s possible with simplistic learning technology.

You can fake personality and personal history. We don''t know how human brains work from the inside, but from the outside the seemingly strange process can be mimicked when enough factors are taken into account

I''m working on this at the moment, I''ll try to keep you posted.

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You make a good point, but think about it people often dont do the best possible thing the often take the easy way out even if your not spose to. Lazyness is something that would have to be considerd to, but if you think about the demolises the whole point of a computer. lol. Anyways I really doubt that true AI will be here anytime soon, are computer are still not good enough to handle that much.
theoretically, i guess.
however, it might be rough setting it up. unless you cut corners (as alexjc suggested) and only "fake" it, you will have to set up the "training" to simulate a humans early life. if you cannot somehow give the AI sensors for sight, pain, et cetera, you at least would have to simulate these somehow (i.e. get the AI to "think" it has had such experiences as burning itself). i cannot think of a good way to do this, granted, but i''m not an AI expert.
just my 2 cents.
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
An interesting question!
I thought many times about it.
I think the main-thing is the learning intelligence.
-Do anything
-Was it good or bad? (remember(situation and "flags"))
If same or similiar situation occurs do this(or not).
I''ve heard about a forumula about this. (Brown I believe)

Other thing I thought allready is:
You enter for example in a room.
The room is closed, no light from outside and simetrically.
I mean there is the same on the left an on the right.
Why do you look left or right first???
Have you the feeling to look on this side??
Or this: Say a random number!
Why can a human say a random number?
I mean a "computerrandom" is never a real random.
(some formula with current time if i''m informed right)
Example learning AI''s in games: Black and White.
And creatures. I''ve heard they made a test with the creatures of creatures ( ) in a flight simlulator.
(if crash: Au!) And they learned to fly really good!

Hope this can help or brings any ideas! )
Greets: C.Ruiz
(I know, i know my english...)

Now there is a really good question. Why left or right.
Well taking in to acount a lot of difernt things I''ve come to the conclusion that it is not possible to have ture AI on a computer as we know it. The main resons I think this is:
1. A computer is designed to do only as its told, you cant give a comutper indepent thought.
2. 90% of all choices we as human make are based on feelings, and you cant give computers feelings.
3. You cant tell a computer to make a desion on its own. It can only tell it to read a program and do exacly what it tells it to.
I''m not saying it cant be done, but the only thing at this time that can think like a human is a human.
I would love it if some one could prove me wrong, I just cant see it happening.

quote: Original post by j8l5s
Now there is a really good question. Why left or right.

this is the same as the random number thing. unlike cruiz, i do not think humans can pick a random number; likewise, the direction isn''t random either. this seemingly random decision is actually based on far too many variables for us to predict, thus it seems random. but, hear me out here: computers generate "psuedo-random" numbers (based on some algorithm or another), but even though these numbers are not truly random there is still nobody that can accurately predict the next number. so, it doesn''t matter if the computer can pick actual random numbers/directions/whatever to be intelligent; humans can''t even do this. (go ahead, tell me i''m wrong; it''s just a theory)
quote: 1. A computer is designed to do only as its told, you cant give a comutper indepent thought.

i will take my argument to yet another level: neither can a human have "independent thought." i''m not arguing against free will, but personally i think that any imaginative idea, no matter how seemingly original, is really just a compilation of what the thinker has learned and experienced, thrown together in a new ([psuedo]random?) way.
quote: 2. 90% of all choices we as human make are based on feelings, and you cant give computers feelings.

i hope i''m not being too absurd yet... feelings are a concentration of various chemicals in the body, that alter the way the brain works. this can be simulated (although that would admittedly be a lot of work).
quote: 3. You cant tell a computer to make a desion on its own. It can only tell it to read a program and do exacly what it tells it to.

but you can tell it "play with this batch of input data and learn which combinations are good". this is a massive understatement, when talking about something like this, and "good" is hard to define, but theoretically it can be done. i think.

--- krez (krezisback@aol.com)
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])

Thinking very abstractly: Most people think of humans, human intelligence and thinking as something vague and unpredictable. This is not true: Human thinking is just a huge neural network. There are some factors which make understanding the brain so hard:
- Our brains are made up of billions of neurons
- There are different kind of neurons which all react differently
- Some behaviour (many call it ''instinct''...lol) is hardcoded into our brain (crying when you need attention)
- There are different kind of networks involved (for example memory is a kind of bidirectional associative memory and recognizing some kind of neural network)
- and the main problem is: all this is interconnected in our brains.
- all the above makes our behaviour so complex that some of it seems random.

I believe we can create ''human'' thinking as soon as we have enough understanding, computer power and memory. For now we can''t come near it.

In a course in Complex Systems I learned that the human brain is about 1000 times more powerful as the computers of today... If the computer developement continues in the same pace as today, we will have computers with computatioal capacity similar to the human brain in around 25-30 years. Well, most of us will probably be alive then,
I like to write games.. and to do real sports.

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