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Life like AI??

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27 comments, last by j8l5s 22 years, 5 months ago
The only way to prove thatsomething is possible is to do it. This hasn''t been done, so it hasn''t been proven possible. It hasn''t been proven to be impossible either. I wouldn''t really waste my time worrying about this though. If it''s believable, does it matter how it works behind-the-scenes? Should we really bother trying to differentiate between pseudo-intelligence and true intelligence? The way I see it, it doesn''t matter. In some philosophy class, I see why you''d discuss this. But game AI is not designed to be abstract and academic; it''s designed to work. If your computer player plays the game as a human would, then there''s nothing more you need to do!
quote: Original post by ragonastick
Anyway, I think one of the big things which is lacking is the actual interface. Most people would try to keep things simple by just having say a text input/output to start with, but what that means is that the computer probably won''t learn a thing.
For the computer to become intelligent, it needs to have a full set of senses, so it can learn to interpret tone of voice, body language and so on. Without that, it will also not be able to learn, if you yell at a baby, I don''t think it would like it, and it would be a punishment. The computer would also need to understand that type of thing.

ok, i know none of the details, but i have to say it anyways: in my younger sister''s "intro to computer science" book (i was bored and i wanted some light reading ) there was a sidebar about a robot they built in some university that has "eyes", "touch" sensors, "ears", and a neural net controlling it. the little article said that it was progressing, as they let it wander the lab and interact with things an people, in a similar fashion to a human baby (much more slowly of course). i wish i could remember the name of the project, or even the school that is doing it, for a reference... perhaps someone else has heard of this?
quote: And when that happens, does it get treated like a human? If we can''t tell the difference between a computer and a human, then should we treat the computer as a human?

my feelings on that one change depending on the last sci-fi movie i saw that has androids in it

--- krez (krezisback@aol.com)
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
quote: Original post by krez
there was a sidebar about a robot they built in some university that has "eyes", "touch" sensors, "ears", and a neural net controlling it. the little article said that it was progressing, as they let it wander the lab and interact with things an people, in a similar fashion to a human baby (much more slowly of course). i wish i could remember the name of the project, or even the school that is doing it, for a reference... perhaps someone else has heard of this?

It is quite likely that you are referring to the work done at the MIT AI Lab. They have done some fantastic work along these lines.



quote: Original post by cruiz
My answer to a post of krez some posts before...
I don''t think too that a human can make random decisions.
My theory is nothing really nothing is random.
Everything has somany variables that you can''t calculate!
Yeah right.
But if you think so a human must "experiance" all this variables.
Feelings? A good question. A result of this variables like I said.

Another thing: I''ve heard a few days before:
I read in a magazin how scientists try to explain how human-brain
works. An interesting article. Try to find something like that in the internet. It''s also about memory.

Sorry i''ve now school I must run!
cu next: C.Ruiz

Your right, the randomness in human brains is a very complex algorithm(or something like that) which chooses an answer, it may seem random but must follow logic (lots and lots of it!)

Even your random numbers in games are not random, they''re pseudorandom, numbers chosen from a large list of numbers, the list is so long it would take ages to start again, and therefore seem random.

So yes, nothing on earth is random.
"Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, iwill fear no evil, for i am the meanest motherfucker in the valley."
Human thought can be approximated by computers but only to the extent they were programmed to(by a Human). A computer cannot think like a human unless it is somehow given self awareness. Self-awarness would allow a computer to think about how it thinks and improve upon it.

Also, we think of creating artificial thought by way of emulating brain functions. One school of thought on this says the mind is part of the soul and the brain is only an interface to it. How does one code a soul in C++? :->

t = brain->GetThought(&mind);
brain->TransmitThought(t, PersonX);

hmmmm... maybe
quote: Original post by j8l5s

Here something else to think about, how could it chose a favorite color or food? How could it become atracted to some one?

The same as us. How do you choose a favorite color ? It probably have to do with good experiences and thoses experiences somehow contained the color you like the best.

As for being attracted to someone. This is easy. Humans, Animals, Insects are "physically" attracted to symmetric mathematicals equations. You then add other characteristics.

You''re thinking too high of the human race.
I just had another thought about nothing being random.
I bet tat there is no such a thing as random, even flippng a coin or rolling soe dice
isn''t random. If you take mas of con, force of flicking, air preassure (etc) into account you could calculate wether itll land on heads or tails, same goes for dice.

Picking a random playing card from a deck of cards though..... hmmmmm, maybe to yor brain it isnt random, i dunno....

I''ve taken a liking to artificial intellegence lately, its such a cool subject!
"Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, iwill fear no evil, for i am the meanest motherfucker in the valley."
Well, you could say that randomness does exist because of the heisenburg (is that it?... some name which I have no chance of pronouncing) uncertainty principle. Which basically says that you can''t know both the exact position and the exact velocity of a particle at the same time.

So take a bus, if you want to see where that bus is, you would bounce a light off it (from the sun) and it would be reflected and hit your retina. So you know the position of it. But, in doing so, you are bouncing light off it, which will then modify the velocity of the bus. Bad explanation and probably even misleading, I''m no expert

Going back to the original topic, I think consciousness will be very difficult to work with. Firstly, how can you tell if a computer has a consciousness? Is there a specific number of artificial neurons which when trained correctly will give the computer a consciousness? Or is there something more to it which can''t be captured through artificial neurons. Quite frankly, I''m stumped by this idea. You have a digital camera, sure it shows the picture it is pointed at, but it doesn''t "see" the picture like we do. Is there some magic ingredient which will do that?

Trying is the first step towards failure.
Trying is the first step towards failure.
quote: Original post by ragonastick
Well, you could say that randomness does exist because of the heisenburg (is that it?... some name which I have no chance of pronouncing) uncertainty principle. Which basically says that you can''t know both the exact position and the exact velocity of a particle at the same time.

That''s actually a problem with your ability to observe those state variables simultaneously, rather than there being some inherent randomness in the values.

quote: Original post by ragonastick
Going back to the original topic, I think consciousness will be very difficult to work with. Firstly, how can you tell if a computer has a consciousness? Is there a specific number of artificial neurons which when trained correctly will give the computer a consciousness? Or is there something more to it which can''t be captured through artificial neurons. Quite frankly, I''m stumped by this idea. You have a digital camera, sure it shows the picture it is pointed at, but it doesn''t "see" the picture like we do. Is there some magic ingredient which will do that?

Let''s consider a well-worn thought experiment. Assume that some bright spark engineer develops an artificial neuron (possibly using nano-technology) and finds a way of swapping it with one of your neurons in your brain. Let''s assume that in swapping the neuron no electrochemical signals to connecting neurons were disrupted and that all brain functions continued as normal. You''re still a conscious being are you not? Keep swapping out real neurons for artificial neurons until your entire brain is now made of artificial neurons. Are you conscious now? If not, at what point did you stop being conscious?

Many people agree that you would indeed be a conscious being with an artificial brain. However, there are two ways to consider this thought experiment. The first is that the assumptions are unrealistic and will NEVER be achieved. I personally don''t thing one should say something will NEVER be achieved. The second approach is to accept that you are conscious with an artificial brain but that there is actually no difference between you before or after the surgery as your brain still functions in exactly the same way as it did before. For all intents and purposes you would still be human and we have not come closer to building an artificial agent that is considered sentient and conscious but that has a brain different to the human brain.

Anyway, just some things to think about.


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