
Game examples in C++?

Started by January 06, 2002 06:37 AM
4 comments, last by Neon 22 years, 8 months ago
Hey, does anyone know of any simple games in the GDnet showcase programmed in C++, just very simple ones so I can get an idea of the source code. (I haven''t programmed a game before...and no I''m not going to copy it) Thanks,
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Don''t forget about the Quake 2 source code. That''s some good stuff, although it''s written in Object Oriented C. That still baffles me


Drew Sikora
A.K.A. Gaiiden

ICQ #: 70449988
AOLIM: DarkPylat

Blade Edge Software
Staff Member, GDNet
Public Relations, Game Institute

3-time Contributing author, Game Design Methods , Charles River Media (coming GDC 2002)
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Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

For a guy who's been programming games for 8 years, the Quake2 Source code can confuse me, I really dont think thats the best thing for him to look at.

Wait a minute, they release the quake2 source code?!?!? when!!!


Wait nevermind, thats the source for the x86 game dll. I thought you meant the whole source code. Dang...

The x86 source is easy to read, just confusing to figure out what it all goes too. Theres so many files!!!!

Still though, not a good thing for a newbie to read. He needs the source code to pac man or something.

Edited by - OutAxDx on January 7, 2002 12:17:25 AM
That is the full source.


Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
ID have released the full engine source under the GPL, not just the game source ( for mod making etc ).
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

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