
Mastermind Game

Started by January 06, 2002 11:24 AM
5 comments, last by hewlett 22 years, 8 months ago
Hello I am a beginner in C++ and I''m working with C++ Builder 5.0 Now I want to create the Game "Mastermind". As it''s the first game I'' am writing, I am looking for same examples. I don''t want to COPY it!! I just want to have any idea how to begin. I would be happy if anyone could give me a link (or perhaps send it to me: where I can find more about programming the Game Mastemind. Thank you vey much! hewlett
Well theres hardly any places where you find tutorials or articles on a specific subject like ''How to program a First Person Shooter'' or ''How to program an RPG''. You''ll have to think of what type of peices you need to build your game up. It''s 2D so look into some Allegro(API) or DirectDraw(DirectX) for your game. Just play around with the basics you''ll mind will start the form the game once you get the hang of everything.

let your presence be felt
---------------------------Let your presence be felt---------------------------
Mastermind was actually one of my first 2 games.

It should be possible to do such a game (at least the logic of the game) without tutorials if you know the C/C++ language.

I think that you should ask more specific questions. Then I''m sure there are someone who are willing to help you out.
-------------Ban KalvinB !

Thanks for your reply.

Well, the first problem is the design of the game:

How can I draw a circle in Borland C++ Builder? I can''t find any component to draw it.


I''ve just found the circle!


I have a text based Mastermind that you might want to look at. It''s comes with source but it was my first game and so the source is definately NOT something you would want to mimic (but is there as reference).

It''s located here

Invader X
Invader''s Realm
I have the actual source designed by Jesse Liberty from Que books, it''s from the book C++ from scratch. if you would like it e-mail me.

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