
compiling Windows GDI programs

Started by January 07, 2002 01:27 PM
2 comments, last by flucknugget 22 years, 8 months ago
What library files do I need to include to compile the GDI example programs that come with Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus? It doesn''t seem to tell me anywhere, and I keep getting a linker error whenever I try compiling.
- f l u c k y p o o
Are you sure you're making a Win32 Application, and not a Win32 Console? That's a common mistake people make, and the only thing i can think of because you shouldn't need to include any libraries or includes besides windows.h

On second thought, you may wanna try mmsystem.h, tho I forget exactly what that's for. darn it. I'm picjing this all up again but it's still been a while

And what's the error, exactly?


Drew Sikora
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Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

What''s the linker error? What functions are missing?
All you need for normal GDI is gdi32.lib.
By default, its included when you create a project.

I''m guessing though, that this book and its examples use their own custom GDI crap, and they have their own libs they made. Find all the libs that came with the CD or whatever, and link them to your project. Even if you link the wrong ones, it will just ignore them, it wont hurt anything. Just link all of them, and see if it works. Better yet, give us the exact error message.

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