
Java and C++

Started by January 07, 2002 11:31 PM
3 comments, last by Holocron 22 years, 8 months ago
Me and some friends are currently developing a MUD using C++, we also have a working knowledge of Java colectively. Is it possable to create a GUI applet in Java that uses the C++ game as a backbone? I was reading somewhere that is possable to do this but It wasnt very informative and I havent been to able to recover that source. Thanks Holocron
How about you just learn how to do it all in C++, and not use Java, that sounds like the best choice.
He said "applet" - how the hell do you plan on implementing that in C++ in a way accessible to most browsers?
There should be no problem in communicating between a c++ program and a Java program as long as you decide on a common protocol for them to use.
I would suggest you look for tutorials on socket programming in Java, and tutorials on using either BSD sockets or Winsock(a superset of BSD sockets) in C++.

(Personally I''d rather write a server in Java and a GUI in C++)

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It is possible, because they can both communicate over a network using IP addresses. Like Arild Fines said, you just have to learn socket programming for both languages.

Another option would be to write a client that people download and a server, this you you could use DirectPlay for communication.

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quote: Original post by Holocron
Me and some friends are currently developing a MUD using C++, we also have a working knowledge of Java colectively. Is it possable to create a GUI applet in Java that uses the C++ game as a backbone?

I was reading somewhere that is possable to do this but It wasnt very informative and I havent been to able to recover that source.


To answer the question instead of posting idiotic replies which aren''t really helpfull, I''ve also read that it was possible but to what extent, I don''t know. Do a search on google or any search engine you prefer to find out how.

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