
DirectX and Blender

Started by January 08, 2002 01:08 AM
0 comments, last by mrpetey 22 years, 8 months ago
Hope this question isn''t too silly. I''m new to game programming and have been doing a lot of work with DirectX and Direct3D. I''m finally to the point where i want to try to add my own graphics to my program. I downloaded Blender 2.2 and i wanted to make sure that it is possible to load Blender images into DirectX. I wanted to be sure of this before I started spending all of my time learning Blender for nothing. If possible are there any good resources for the process of importing/loading the graphics files into DirectX? Any help is appreciated
There is a format (.x files) which can be easily loaded with D3D. Any other 3D file format can be used with D3D provided you write the loading function.

Note : Blender can export VRML files. So, if you found a VRML -> X converter, loading blender files should be easy. Otherwise, you can write your own VRML (or .blend) loader.

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