
C++ Ide's

Started by January 09, 2002 05:58 PM
0 comments, last by Holocron 22 years, 8 months ago
Right now I am using an old copy of Borland C++, I have noticed that most of the GameDev community swares by Microsoft Visual C++. Whats the difference between Visual C++ and C++. Is there a difference? Why is Visual C++ so popular? I have the Students edition of Visual C++ and I have downloaded code that was written in Visual C++ and I do see some differences. Im looking to buy a new C++ IDE very soon any suggestions? Holocron
Personally, I use MSVC++6 IDE with the Intel compiler.

Visual C++ is just a piece of software; its a C++ IDE and compiler. You can use another compiler with the MSVC++ IDE (not always too easily! The Intel one integrates seamlessly though.).

Microsoft''s C++ compiler, which comes with VC++, is not entirely compliant with the ANSI standard. There''s the notorious FOR loop scoping problem, and some template and inheritance/polymophism problems. All in all, it''s still not a bad compiler. I just use the Intel one since it can write code using MMX/SSE instructions. The Intel one, AFAIK, has the same incompatibilities as the MS one.

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