
great site for learning programming languages

Started by January 11, 2002 01:23 AM
12 comments, last by grine 22 years, 7 months ago
go to it''s a really good site with tutorials, source code, & compilers for many man ydifferent programming languages. If you invent a time machine and travel back and forward through time, what would happen if you travelled to the time when the Universe doesn''''t exist anymore?
If you invent a time machine and travel back and forward through time, what would happen if you travelled to the time when the Universe doesn''t exist anymore?
quote: Original post by grine
If you invent a time machine and travel back and forward through time, what would happen if you travelled to the time when the Universe doesn''t exist anymore?

O/T You''d meet God.

BeSIt's Da BOMB Baby!!!. o O ~ A little nonsense now and then,is relished by the wisest men~ O o .-- Willy Wonka
quote: Original post by wrenhal
O/T You''d meet God.

.. assuming he/she/it exists.

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------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
You''d pinch yourself to check if it''s a dream. And then you''d, annoyingly, find out that it was indeed a dream, since time travel can only ever exist in our fantasies
quote: Original post by Beer Hunter
......since time travel can only ever exist in our fantasies

Just because we don''t know how to do something doesn''t mean its not possible. In the 1800''s, they were going to close the patent office, because they beleived that everything had been invented.

And, if you traveled to a time where the universe didn''t exist (Which I myself don''t beleive there is such a time, because that''s implying that the universe was created, and if nothing exists, then how was it created? (unless Things go beyond our intellect aka 4th dimension....)), then there would be nothing. At all. No atoms, nothing to keep anything together. No gravity, no atoms, you''d either implode from the lack of Air pressure, or your atoms would disband and you''d become one with the nothingness (possibly those atoms bond once again, compress, reproduce (not like sex, like mitosis, but I don''t think single-atom-ed organisms can do that.....), and you''d become the big-bang yourself (hence, you created the universe....But then that means there was no universe before you, which means there was none when you were born, so you couldn''t have existed, but you did.......Damn it now I don''t know how many parenthesis'' I had....)))))))))))))

So, if you ask me, there was always a universe (empty space), but there was nothing in it...
Maybe there are just some things people aren''t meant to understand.....

"I''ve learned something today: It doesn''t matter if you''re white, or if you''re black...the only color that REALLY matters is green"
-Peter Griffin
"I've learned something today: It doesn't matter if you're white, or if you're black...the only color that really matters is green"-Peter Griffin
quote: Original post by matrix2113
(unless Things go beyond our intellect aka 4th dimension....)), then there would be nothing. At all. No atoms, nothing to keep anything together. No gravity, no atoms, you''d either implode from the lack of Air pressure, or your atoms would disband and you''d become one with the nothingness (possibly those atoms bond once again, compress, reproduce (not like sex, like mitosis, but I don''t think single-atom-ed organisms can do that.....), and you''d become the big-bang yourself (hence, you created the universe....But then that means there was no universe before you, which means there was none when you were born, so you couldn''t have existed, but you did.......Damn it now I don''t know how many parenthesis'' I had....)))))))))))))

isnt time the 4th dimension???
and isnt there the theory that after the size of the universe reaches the limit where gravity of all the entities in the universe can no longer support it, the univers would decrease in size (like a baloon losing its air)???

correct me if im wrong, btw, im no physics expert

Error C0000: No dirty 4 letter words allowed
-=Idiot of the Net=-
quote: Original post by minority
isnt time the 4th dimension???

Time is generaly considered to be the 4th dimension.
Hah! You morons, linear time is a construct thought up by man for his convenience. Time does not occur in a linear fashion, but occurs instead simultaneously. Read a little Stephen Hawkins, or even watch the movie "Kate and Leopold" as i''m told it deals with that conocept. Or you can read Michael Crichton''s "Timeline" which deals with it also. Furthermore, because of the law of cause and effect, one effect can be the cause of another effect, which is the cause of another effect, etc. if you trace back the cause and effects, you will see that there is a Frist Cause, which is God. This idea has been supported for hundreds of years, so lets get with the program. Finally, read H.G. Wells'' "The Time Machine", and you''ll learn that time is the 4th dimension. Insolent fools!
Well, the convention in modern physics is to use index 0 to denote the time dimension in the metric tensor (g_ab, a, b = (0, ..., n)). So in this picture, time is taken to be the 1st dimension, and the macroscopic spatial dimensions the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
In his original general relativity paper, Einstein used a metric tensor g_ab with a, b = (1, ..., 4) and index 4 for time. But at this time, everybody thought that spacetime was 4-dimensional. This is not the case anymore (11 dimensions is the best bet currently).

While you are essentially correct, calling people morons for something that is only a theory is hardly gentlemanly. Yes, quantum physics says that time as we see it is an artificial construct that we see with three directions (past present future). It also says that time has "already happened" (according to Wigner''s theorem). In other words all possibilities have already been played out in the universe....for some reason our consciousness just drifts from probability to probability, never being aware of the other choices at hand.

But, like I said, it''s just a theory. What amazes me from both the religious side and the science side is the absolute conviction that they are right and the other is wrong. I''ve always preferred science because TRUE science never tells us what is only tells us what is false. HUGE difference. Science can not disprove a God, therefore it''s possible there is one. Religion on the other hand has a doctrine which says, "THIS IS THE TRUTH", and anyone who disagrees is wrong. Science isn''t supposed to be that way. In that since...religion is a tyranny, and science is a democracy. Not to say that tyranny''s can''t be good, and democracies can''t be bad (Athens golden age was under a tyrant, not a democracy, and a democracy once promoted slavery). But at the very least, witha democracy, there is freedom of choice...something that religion denies.

Maybe the religions are right....but it must be something we chose to believe internally...not externally because we are told we must. In the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson:

"Always doubt the existence of God, for if there is a God, He would far more appreciate the use of reason than the sheer folly of blind faith".
The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." - General Omar Bradley

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