
DX 7 or 8?

Started by January 14, 2002 05:08 PM
0 comments, last by superdood13 22 years, 8 months ago
Hello, I have heard several mixed reviews on the new version of DX. I am going through Andre''s book, Windows Game Programming Gurus but have heard that many of the examples don''t compile with DX 8. I have the DX 8.0 SDK on my computer, should I reload 7 and not even worry about 8 yet or should I get a book that teaches DX 8?
If the world didn't suck we would all fly off!
They should compile with the version 8 SDK if you know how to do it Look here for an answer.

Summarised: "For example, to use the latest headers to compile against the DirectX 7.0 version of D3D, define DIRECT3D_VERSION to be 0x0700."

#define DIRECT3D_VERSION 0x0700.

There will be similar methods for directdraw and whatever, I'm guessing.

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Edited by - Kylotan on January 14, 2002 6:38:50 PM

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