
Macintosh Compilers

Started by January 14, 2002 06:51 PM
0 comments, last by randythom 22 years, 8 months ago
If I want to learn to write C++ code ON a Mac but FOR another platform, like Playstation, what software (compiler, etc.) should I get. Are compilers specific to both the platform you are using to write the code AND the platform the software will end up on? thanks, Randy
quote: Original post by randythom
If I want to learn to write C++ code ON a Mac but FOR another platform, like Playstation, what software (compiler, etc.) should I get.

Compiler: CodeWarrior or GCC, because they are available on the most platforms.

quote: Are compilers specific to both the platform you are using to write the code AND the platform the software will end up on?

Not entirely. There are these nifty things called cross-compilers, which allow you to develop on platform A for platform B, but you still need either an emulator or an actual machine running the second platform to try out your application.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

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