

Started by January 20, 2002 01:30 PM
0 comments, last by brewknowc 22 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I am interested in making a tile map game. This is not my first game, but is my first directX game. I want to use the demo from chapter 8_11 as a template for my game, but I want it to be 24 bit instead of 8. I tried to convert the demo into 24 bit and am having all kinds of problems. I used the same graphic and did a save as in paint to get it to be a 24 bit graphic. Then I changed the global color depth variable to 24. I commented out the 8 bit pallet function. Now when I compile and run, the tiles are only partially displayed. Am I missing something? I believe the problem seems to be in the load_frame_bob function, but I am not sure. Has any one else tried this conversion? Can any one give me some specifics as to what I have to do to convert this demo to 24bit? Thanks - Free Your Mind -
- Free Your Mind -
While I loved that book, I found that he made his code libraries more complicated than necessary. After I was finished with his book, I downloaded the DirectX 7 SDK and went through the tutorials there and found it much easier for loading bitmaps. Once you finish Chapter 8, I would recommend going to the SDK tutorial and using their utility program to load bitmaps onto surfaces.

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