
starting a new project i need a RTS engine please

Started by January 20, 2002 02:19 PM
2 comments, last by darkpsygnet 22 years, 7 months ago
someone can point me a place to find a RTS engine or make one for me ? i would like a 3D rts engine or at least be able to do a game with graphic who can compare to Tiberium Sun from Westwood thanx a lot
come on guys help me !!!!!!!
I don''t know a whole lot about the subject of RTS engines, but I don''t really think you''ll be able to find one, especially for free. You could get a 3d engine and make an RTS out of it, but you won''t find an RTS engine. The reason is every RTS has a different way of doing things and stuff. You could find an FPS engine anywhere because FPS''s are all the same. Look around. walk. shoot. repeat.

And in the current format of your post, no one is going to want to sit down and write a new RTS framework from scratch just so you can play around with it and possibly make a game, especially for free. You''re gonna have to really sell people on your idea if you want them to do the dirty work for you. What''s your game about? What operating systems will it run on? What API''s will it use? What will the user interface look like? What''s gonna make this game stand out from the rest? Without showing us any of the design that you''ve laid out, we have no reason to work with you.

History also helps. Have you ever designed (fully) any other games? Did they have any success?

If you can post a thourough THOUROUGH design of an RTS and sell us on it, then we might reconsider. Otherwise, I''d suggest scrolling to the top of this page and clicking the "For Beginners" link.

I hope I didn''t sound too negative. Just wanted to let you know in as nice a way as possible what a million flamers are gonna be typing when they find this post. Good luck.

Start here. Seriously. It has a lot of information that will be useful to you.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

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