
Andre Lamothe's book?

Started by January 21, 2002 08:30 PM
7 comments, last by Dr Chi 22 years, 7 months ago
Would Andre Lamothe''s book "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus" be suitable for me who doesn''t know C/C++ but knows Java and Delphi and the basic principles of object oriented design? Yes I have read the book reviews on this site but I don''t consider myself a total beginner. btw, when is Volume 2 coming out?
Here, I''ll reply since no one else has.

Sure, if all you want to get from it is knowledge on how games are created. If you know java, im sure c++ wont be hard. I''d pick it up if you were dedicated and want to learn about direct x and make games, but spending the money just to learn how to do a game loop and create a window in C might be money you could spend elsewhere.

Neo-Toshi Software
I have the book and have been finding it useful. Some of the code doesn''t work as advertised (you have to tweak it a little bit), but the general concepts are good. I''m not one of those people who can just learn from webpages and forums. I like to have a book that I can read, and this is a good one.

The book is all in C (there might some brief C++ and assembly). The syntax is almost identical to Java. In fact, if you really understand the object oriented concepts behind Java, you''ll probably understand the gist of DirectX and Com pretty well.

if you think that you can handle the stuff, and im sure you can, then id buy the book. Lamothe makes things very very easy to understand, and even if you are a java programmer, you will learn tremendously from this book about game design and direct x. utilizing it is your decision though!

Neo-Toshi Software
I rad up to Day 11, I think, in "Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days." I''m now halfway through LaMothe''s book and I have had no trouble understanding it so far.

Although I really should go read the other half of that C++ book, I guess. Hehe.

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I sent him an e-mail about the second book in November. He said he was about 50% done.

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Tricks of the 3d Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3d Graphics and Rasterization

Dammit I coulda sworn it was coming out at the end of January. Wha. Musta been pushed back. Hope the new release date holds true.


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Drew Sikora
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quote: Original post by CaptainJester
I sent him an e-mail about the second book in November. He said he was about 50% done.
He told me the same thing... in October of 2000.

I wouldn''t put much faith in the release dates listed on Amazon.
I just bought Lamothe''s book, too...

and I''m wondering if it is worth my time to spend that much time learning DirectX 6.1 ...? Will the skills transfer easily?

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