
Vertex Arrays dont work

Started by January 27, 2002 02:39 PM
12 comments, last by executor_2k2 22 years, 7 months ago
The value of z is 0. The overal structure for that part of the program is as follows

BOOL DisplayScene()
static float waterHeight = 154.0f; // height of water
static bool waterDir = true; // used to animate water; true = up, false = down

float radians = float(PI*(g_angle-90.0f)/180.0f);

// calculate the camera's position
g_cameraPos[0] = g_lookAt[0] + (float)sin(radians) * g_mouseY; // multiplying by mouseY makes the
g_cameraPos[2] = g_lookAt[2] + (float)cos(radians) * g_mouseY; // camera get closer/farther away with mouseY
g_cameraPos[1] = g_lookAt[1] + g_mouseY / 2.0f;

// calculate the camera look-at coordinates as the center of the terrain map
g_lookAt[0] = (MAP_X*MAP_SCALE)/2.0f;
g_lookAt[1] = 150.0f;
g_lookAt[2] = -(MAP_Z*MAP_SCALE)/2.0f;

// clear screen and depth buffer

// set the camera position
gluLookAt(g_cameraPos[0], g_cameraPos[1], g_cameraPos[2],
g_lookAt[0], g_lookAt[1], g_lookAt[2],
0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

// set the current texture to the land texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_land);

// loop through all the triangle strips
for (int z = 0; z < MAP_Z-1; z++)
//MessageBox(NULL,"Couldnt Draw Terrain.","TERRAIN ERROR",MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
// draw the triangles in this strip
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, MAP_X * 2, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &g_indexArray[z * MAP_X * 2]);
MessageBox(NULL,"Couldnt Draw Terrain.","TERRAIN ERROR",MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

// enable blending

// enable read-only depth buffer

// set the blend function to what we use for transparency
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);

glColor4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.7f); // set color to a transparent blue
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_water); // set texture to the water texture

// draw water as one large quad surface
glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); // lower left corner
glVertex3f(g_terrain[0][0], waterHeight, g_terrain[0][2]);

glTexCoord2f(10.0f, 0.0f); // lower right corner
glVertex3f(g_terrain[MAP_X-1][0], waterHeight, g_terrain[MAP_X-1][2]);

glTexCoord2f(10.0f, 10.0f); // upper right corner
glVertex3f(g_terrain[MAP_X-1 + MAP_X * (MAP_Z-1)][0], waterHeight, g_terrain[MAP_X-1 + MAP_X * (MAP_Z-1)][2]);

glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 10.0f); // upper left corner
glVertex3f(g_terrain[MAP_X * (MAP_Z-1)][0], waterHeight, g_terrain[MAP_X * (MAP_Z-1)][2]);

// set back to normal depth buffer mode (writable)

// disable blending

// animate the water
if (waterHeight > 155.0f)
waterDir = false;
else if (waterHeight < 154.0f)
waterDir = true;

if (waterDir)
waterHeight += 0.01f;
waterHeight -= 0.01f;

return TRUE;
} // end DisplayScene()

Sorry bout that code dump. I really appreciate your guy's help.

Edited by - executor_2k2 on January 27, 2002 10:26:04 PM
Well, that was a waste of 2 minutes of my life. Now I have to code faster to get 'em back...
Ok guys I just got an email reply from Dave Astle on the issue.
Here it is from the horse''s mouth:

Okay, I just ran both programs on my computer (I''m using 2000) and I got
the crashes too. The only thing that''s changed about my system since I
wrote those programs is my video card drivers, so NVIDIA must have
changed something. I was able to get the programs to work by removing
the lines:

if (glLockArraysEXT)
glLockArraysEXT(0, MAP_X * MAP_Z * 6);


// if the compiled arrays extension is available, unlock the arrays
if (glUnlockArraysEXT)

I''m not sure why these are causing the crash, so I''ll have to do some
digging. It''s possible that I wasn''t using them correctly.


Thought i''d ease your guy''s minds and post the solution for future reference.
Well, that was a waste of 2 minutes of my life. Now I have to code faster to get 'em back...
You can change:
  glLockArraysEXT(0, MAP_X * MAP_Z * 6); 

  glLockArraysEXT(0, MAP_X * MAP_Z); 

in both programs, and it'll work. Stupid mistake on my part.
and that folks is an example of bollux memory

in nvidia drivers youll get a message like so
(NVOGLNT.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access Violation

it often happens if u forget something like
glEnableClientState( colour );
glEnableClientState(vertices );

wheres the colour data pointer?

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