
How Do I Make A Game Engine

Started by January 31, 2002 08:27 PM
38 comments, last by butt_mike 22 years, 7 months ago
How Do I Make A Game Engine That Is Like Final Fantasy. I Just Need To Know How To Make A Game Engine And Then I Think I Can Make Any Kind But I Don''t Know How To Make Any Kind At All. All Help Is Appreciated. Thank You!
First question: Do you know how to program? If the answer is no, then start here.
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
I do not well but i do.
You will know how to begin making one when you are ready to begin making one.

-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
But Maximus i think i am ready i just dont know where to start with making an engine because i have learned C++. Im not to good at it yet becuase i am rather new to the aspect but i want to know how to make an engine so do u think i will know how to make one when i become more familier with C++?
Sea Cucumber Is Make Good Game Engine You Just HaveTo Use Createvety And Cooky Doh And Then I Think Any Kind OfEngine Canbe Made But You Have To Know How To Make Any Kind Of Engine At All. My Freind Says Use A Hecks Editer From Finel Fantesy For Kind Of Engine What Is That.
thanks Anonymous Poster but i dont know what A Hecks Editer From Finel Fantesy For Kind Of Engine
Mods please remove this from forums...


[edit: in process... p.i.m.a]

Edited by - Magmai Kai Holmlor on February 1, 2002 7:35:35 PM
Stu i am really trying to get help and u just come on iin here and interupt me now no one is posting any messages i just wanted some help
Do you know how to program: OpenGL/Direct3d? Matricies? Vectors? Culling? Linked lists? Model loading? etc..?
If you answered no to any of these, you aren''t ready to make a game engine like Final Fantasy (that''ll take a few YEARS before you even have a grasp on how its done)
/me points to (opengl) (directx)


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