
How Do I Make A Game Engine

Started by January 31, 2002 08:27 PM
38 comments, last by butt_mike 22 years, 7 months ago
Every get the feeling something is missing?
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
I counted 15 messages missing

AfroFire | Brin"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."-Albert Einstein
Aw... I just got here. Is the party over already?
(Keep up the good word, Magmai!)
--------------------------~The Feature Creep of the Family~
NEWBIE: do not ask about api vs api!! unless you want this thread to be closed!! ah haha.

to make a simple game in c++, you should know about these:

do you know about all of that? if not, look it up.

to make a game, you need at least one loop

while (myGame.isPlaying)

you should make a game in WIN32 CONSOLE MODE first. So, your game will be primarily text. once you figure out how to do that, you can get graphical. Your first graphical game should use win32 GDI/API -why? because you need to do alot of stuff in that even when working in apis like DX.
unfortunatly, in order to do that, you need to know how to program in win32 - - - - - - - - DO YOU HAVE ANY GRASP OF THAT?! if not, read up on it.

and i agree, GRAMMER AND PUNCTUATION, even *BAD* GRAMMER AND PUNCTUATION would improve ur communication skills.
quote: and i agree, GRAMMER AND PUNCTUATION

Don''t forget spelling. It''s "grammar".
quote: Original post by butt_mike
no we are not the same person

monitor check them and u will see

i like the idea from Useless Hacker thanks

Mike, you need to practice design before you can even think about making an RPG like Final Fantasy. Start with a small program. Pong and Tetris are good examples. Make good use of functions. Modularize your code (i.e. break it up into logical parts). Try to focus on one new thing in every program. For example, make a simple game with pieces that you can control. Then make another game with sound. Make another game that can be customized by the user. Keep increasing in complexity. You may think that these are trivial programs, but mark my words: you will have a genuine sense of self-satisfaction when you finish them. You might write a Tetris clone, but it won''t just be a Tetris clone; it will be your Tetris clone, and that will give you the enthusiasm to go after the next project.

Knowing a language or an API is a very small part of making a game. It is important, but it is dwarfed by the importance of design.

A great place to start programming games is, they have a lot of tutorials there that arevery useful. They start at basics like input output, structs, classes, arrays, inheritence, polymorphism, pointers, pointers, pointers, then they go into quite nicely the Windows API then they dive into the graphics(Direct3D or OpenGL). I suggest follow from first one to the last one. Each tutorial explains every line of code practically saying what it does and why. Since I started there it helped me a lot. I believe you will do good there.

Jeff D

Suffered seven plagues, but refused to let the slaves go free. ~ Ross Atherton
Suffered seven plagues, but refused to let the slaves go free. ~ Ross Atherton
see butt_mike I told ya to LEARN and Make a few small programs b4 jumping into this, man u have a thing for going into empty pools head first don''t ya!

-Look it''''s Dancing (>")>
<( " )> <("<) <( " )>
-Look it''s Dancing (>")><( " )> <("<) <( " )>
He "knows" C++!!!

I''ll bet he doesn''t even know what a class is. And I''m sure he knows nothing of polymorphism and dynamic binding, function pointers, pointers-to-members, multi-level inheritance, templates, etc. That is the stuff that significantly differentiates C++ from its parent language, but most of these kids only "know" fragments of the C subset. They use int and i++ because they were taught to do it that way without ever questioning their merits. They don''t know that a char isn''t guaranteed to be 8 bits, signed or unsigned.
Merlin9x9? You don''t have to know C++ that well to be a games programmer. In fact, knowing C/C++ that well must make your butt as tight as a Scotsman.

Listen Butt-Mike, you obviously want to write this 3D Engine for some reason, right? What I would do, if I were you, is take someone elses 3D engine and fiddle with it for a while. See what you can come up with. Make small steps and progress slowly, else you''ll end up surrounded by too many big words and big functions, and you''ll find it just as hard to work out the simple stuff as the complex stuff.

Why not try Blitz3D or darkBASIC, and make your Final Fantasy stuff out of that, at least until you know how it all works and what all the jargon is, then sit down with your C/C++. At least that way you''ll have more understanding and respect of what it is you''re asking.

Right now, it seems your p***ing everyone off because you''re making it seem like us programmers have an easy job, and anyone can pick it up just by reading a webpage or two.

No offense intended!


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