
Question about 16-bit BMP's

Started by February 03, 2002 05:11 AM
12 comments, last by Ziphnor 22 years, 7 months ago
I have access to Photoshop to computers with Photoshop at my uni but it wont save BMP''s in 16-bit, only TGA files.

I also tried Paintshop Pro, but no luck there either.
And I have Paint Shop Pro - no 16bit there. 8 or 24. Nor 16...

My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.
You can load 24bit bitmaps onto 16bit surfaces. That''s what the function in the book does I believe.

All the graphics I use are 24bit but I only use a 16bit resolution and it works fine.


[The Rabbit Hole | The Labyrinth | Programming | Gang Wars | The Wall]
"All the graphics I use are 24bit but I only use a 16bit resolution and it works fine."

How do you load the 24-bit images into 16-bit surfaces? My problem is that i feel its silly to save my images in a resolution that forces a conversion upon loading it, when you could have the images in the same format as youll use for the surfaces.

Of course one could write a file converter that turned a 24-bit BMP file into a 16-bit file, so the conversion wasnt done at runtime, but to be frank, im not entirely sure how to do this.(but actually some conversions are actually given in this thread, and i think i noticed the conversion mentioned in the "Game Programming Genesis" articles, so i just probably just get of my lazy ass and do it )

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