
Need Help With School Programming Project

Started by February 04, 2002 05:42 AM
1 comment, last by christon 22 years, 7 months ago
Ok, i''ve got a long story and i need help. I''ll start at the beginning. i am currently studying in NYP, a polytechnic in Singapore. I am studying IT. One of my modules there is to create a game in borland C++ 4.0. I am supossed to do this with 4 other students. during one of our discussions, we decided to do a side scroller as our project. this was because we thought we had a guidebook that we could follow. one of my friends found this free guidebook for sidescrollers on the net. this is the link: however, after we proposed our game to the teacher, when we tried to compile the codes from the guidebook, we encountered a problem. the codes were written for a borland C++ program 10 years ago, and cannot be compiled now. right now we are in the process of trying to read the code and re-write the game engine, however it is quite difficult. i found this forum board, and would like to know if there are any sites or advice that someone here can give me? i really need help, because if we do not manage to create a game by april, we may have to repeat this module, which i do not want. Can someone please help? Thanks! sorry for such a long post.
im gonna assume you know how to program and at least the basics of a graphics api.

if you do, then whats the problem?

i dont think following a "guide"/tutorial (well, that sites a step by step by the look of it) on how to make a game would be that good an idea for a school project, because its not really your work.

if you need to make a game why not make a simple pong game, breakout. something thats not overly complex? then thats the problem solved.
that''s what you get...
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])

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